María Becerra gave details of her sexual life with JRei: “I am well taken care of”

Maria Becerra She was the last guest on the popular Spanish program “The resistance”, conducted by David Broncato, last night. The driver is known for asking spicy sexually related questions and, The girl from Argentina was not far behind with her answers.

At the interview, the presenter does not obvious the classic questions, but he did stop to ask Maria about your recent sexual activity in the last 30 days: “Tell me how many relationships you have had in the last month. Let’s remember that the fucking and masturbation between the two counts,” she said without filters.

Maria tried to remain calm in the face of the questions and tried to remove her doubt about whether ‘own masturbation’ counted as sexual activity, to which she Broncato He clarified “let them do it to you ‘the guitar’”which generated laughter from those present in the studio.

María Becerra’s responses

The girl from Argentina did not shrink and answered with confidence: “Everything this last month?, and the truth is… quite a bit”, he said while making hand gestures. “Has it been a month to do this?” the presenter asked, to which the singer began to sing a song that motivated the audience.

«I really can’t complain, that’s why I have such nice skin, such good hair…», he added. “I am a person who is well cared for. That’s why I’m in a good mood all the time,” she highlighted her boyfriend JRei’s performance and then asked for a round of applause “for his fat man.”

Then, Becerra He turned the situation around and asked David Broncato about his sexual activity with the fun style that characterizes him: “and you… How many times did you dip the churro?”

Laughing, the Spanish presenter responded: “I’ve also had a good month. Look at what a face and what skin”, while he showed in detail with a mini-camera.

With information from Argentine News


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