Supersalud accompanies the labor formalization process at the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao

Supersalud accompanies the labor formalization process at the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao
Supersalud accompanies the labor formalization process at the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao

Last Wednesday, the National Superintendent of Health, Luis Carlos Leal Angarita, participated in a significant event that marked the first phase of the labor formalization of 62 workers at the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao, located in the department of La Guajira. This process seeks to guarantee decent working conditions for employees of the health sector in Colombia, recognizing their hard work and dedication.

During the event, Leal Angarita expressed his gratitude to the hospital workers: “Today more than congratulating you, we thank you. Because these public hospitals live thanks to you; to their daily struggle; to the resistance that, despite adversity and prolonged periods of non-payment, kept them here, saving lives and fighting for their families. Today what is done is not recognition, it is social justice.”

This event not only marks the beginning of a positive change for the workers of the San José de Maicao Hospital, but also represents progress towards greater stability and well-being for their families. Labor formalization guarantees a better quality of life for employees, who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their work.

Labor formalization process

The formalization process at the San José de Maicao Hospital, intervened by Supersalud since June 14, 2016, benefits 62 health sector workers. The prioritized conditions for the appointment of personnel included seniority in the provision of the service and the consideration of women heads of family.

Leal Angarita congratulated the new members of the hospital staff and highlighted the work of the intervening agent, Larry Javier Laza: “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see happy faces and tears of pride. I hope this will be an incentive for us to defend together a health system that truly considers human quality.”

The event was attended by the Minister of Health, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo; the Vice Minister of Public Health, Jaime Urrego; and the Vice Minister of Social Protection, Luis Alberto Martínez. These authorities, together with Superintendent Leal Angarita, toured the hospital and met with the medical and administrative staff to learn first-hand about the progress and challenges faced by this important health service provider.

Labor formalization at the San José de Maicao Hospital is a fundamental step towards social justice in the health sector. This process not only recognizes the effort and dedication of workers, but also lays the foundations for a more equitable health system focused on human quality.

The presence of senior health sector officials at the event underlines the Colombian government’s commitment to improving working conditions in the health sector. This joint effort seeks to strengthen the public health system, guaranteeing that workers receive the recognition and conditions they deserve.

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