What will be the free cultural and sports activities?

With the arrival of the holidays, There will be free activities in Neuquén with the winter break which according to the Education calendar will be from the 8th to July 19. From the capital Municipality they detailed the cultural and sports proposals that will be in different parts of the city.

María Pasqualini, Chief of Staff Secretary, explained that the Executive’s initiative is designed so that families stay during the holidays. “The municipality reaches out with all the activities to the different neighborhoods, providing the same opportunities for all the daughters and sons of the people of Neuquén. During the winter break, work was reinforced so that families can enjoy a full agenda,” she said.

Mauricio Serenelli, Secretary of Strategic Linkage, said that this is a program that is developed throughout the year “and during the winter holidays we decided as a team to be able to offer more free activities that are financed with our own funds.”

Winter holidays: sports activities in Neuquén

The Undersecretary of Sports Promotion and Development, Alejandro Palacios, expanded that hA sports campus will open that will operate from Monday to Friday, from 2 to 5 p.m., in the 12 municipal sports centers.

It is intended for all boys and girls from 5 to 17 years old, who will have the disciplines of soccer, volleyball, basketball, hockey, skating, artistic gymnastics and EFI, for children from 5 to 8 years old.
For the sports proposals, pre-registration has already begun and on July 1 registration begins at the sports centers from 3 to 7 p.m.

He also announced that the July 12 and 19 there will be recreational activities for the whole family on Island 132.
Furthermore, on this occasion, the municipality will approach the special schools and associations attended by people with disabilities. The activities are centralized in the Municipal Club, located on Corrientes and Humahuaca streets.
To play sports Registrations will take place between July 1 and 5 next in the Physical Activities Room (SAF) of Parque Industrial, in San Lorenzo Sur, in the Parque Central gym and in Bouquet Roldán, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You only have to bring the DNI of the interested person and the Certificate Unique Disability.

The Undersecretary of Promotion for Active Lifestyles, Sebastián Tapia, described as new the possibility that participants, from 5 years old onwards, can have aquatic practices “Since we have a good bond with the Santa Fe club and they are going to give us spaces in the pool.”

This space also aims to work on the axis that has to do with life in nature “since we have an open river coast and impeccable work that the management of Mayor Mariano Gaido has been doing. We are going to go through it as a stimulus for physical activity,” he added.

Winter holidays in Neuquén: cultural activities

Tapia indicated that another axis is the artistic one “and, of course, we will work interdisciplinarily in the workshops with other areas of the municipality, such as sign language. “We will not work in bubbles: the idea is that they have the five stimuli from Monday to Friday in the two weeks.”

Regarding the cultural activities that are planned for both childhood and adolescence, “we are going to dictate experimental rap, narrative writing, collage and anime manga workshops, among many others. In addition, they will be able to enjoy theater shows, puppets, dance classes and screenings of films for children,” said Sofía Maiolo, director of Arts.

They start on Saturday the 6th and will last until Saturday the 20th of July, Starting at 4 p.m., boys and girls will be able to attend the West Cultural Center, the Paraje Confluencia Museum, the Emilio Saraco Art Room, the municipal hall and the gymnasium of School No. 2, spaces that will become destinations unmissable for all ages.

Schedule of cultural activities

– Saturday, July 6: at the Centro Cultural Oeste, at 5:00 p.m. Los Impredibles, theatrical improvisation for the whole family.
In the Emilio Saraco Room, at 5 p.m., Pinto Lúdico will offer a combined arts workshop for boys and girls ages 9 to 12. Coordinated by: Pablo Agüero and Zahira Milovanov. Those who wish to participate must register at: [email protected].
– Wednesday, July 10: At the Centro Cultural Oeste, at 4 p.m., there will be a clown workshop for boys and girls ages 8 to 12. Coordinator: Micaela Araujo. Registration at: [email protected].
At the Undersecretary of Culture, located at 355 Bouquet Roldán Street, 2nd floor, at 4 p.m. there will be a horror narrative workshop, “Writing from Fear,” for adolescents and young people, taught by the writer Patricio Denegri. Registration: [email protected]
At the Municipal Club there will be urban dance classes from 5 to 6 p.m., for children from 6 to 9 years old and from 18 to 7 p.m. for teenagers from 13 years old.
– Thursday, July 11: At the Oeste Cultural Center, at 4 p.m., the works Una historia de amor en Pehuajó, Pim Pam Pom, puppet theater by Flavio González are presented. A story of love, encounters and disagreements, appearance and simplicity. Recommended for the whole family and for children from 3 years old.
At the Paraje Confluencia Museum, at 4 p.m., special Children’s Literary Station. Luciana Torretta presents “Ulkantvn storytelling circular poetry”. Intended for boys and girls from 5 years old.
– Friday, July 12: In the Emilio Saraco Room, from 5 to 7 pm, Lapislázuli will be offered, a literature and illustration workshop, coordinated by Claudia Rivera and Jimena Nordestrom. For children from 6 years old: https://forms.gle/CHcNcRpbZJ9GbT5d6
– Saturday, July 13: At the Centro Cultural Oeste, the Bambalina cycle begins at 5:00 p.m.: Theater performance for all audiences, play “Robin Hood” by the cast: Vendaval.
In the Emilio Saraco Room, at 5:00 p.m., “Art Stations” is presented, a collage workshop for early childhood. Registration by form: https://forms.gle/n2qjtuRit5EcicmNA.
– Tuesday, July 16 and Wednesday the 17th: at the Centro Cultural del Oeste, at 4 and 6 p.m., they will screen Tecpetrol cinema.
– Wednesday the 17th: Starting at 4 p.m., at the Undersecretariat of Culture, located at Bouquet Roldán 355 2nd floor, the creation of manga from scratch is presented, a Manga narrative workshop, aimed at adolescents from 13 to 18 years old. Registration at: [email protected]
– Thursday, July 18: at the Centro Cultural Oeste, from 4 to 6 p.m., there will be a screening of Cine Tecpetrol.
While at the Paraje Confluencia Museum, starting at 4 p.m. there will be a literary station for childhood + children’s makeup station. Yeidis Sucre González presents, “Dreaming and Ocurrent Animals.” Intended for boys and girls from 5 years old.
– Friday, July 19: At the Centro Cultural Oeste at 4 p.m., there will be “Stories to get through the winter” Las Cuchicheras. Oral narration of texts by different authors, for children and families.
At the Paraje Confluencia Museum, at 4 p.m., there will be a workshop on Hip-Hop as a tool of expression taught by Gise Ve. It is aimed at adolescents and adults. Those who wish to participate must register by email: [email protected].
– Saturday, July 20: In the gymnasium of School No. 2, located at 50 San Juan Avenue, starting at 5 p.m., the winter holidays will close: Cosmic Fair + “Round of Songs” with Roberta Orlandini. Music and songs for children from 3 to 6 years old.
In the Emilio Saraco Room, at 4 p.m., the analog collage workshop taught by Delfina Filloy will be offered for adolescents from 13 to 17 years old. Registration: [email protected].

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