Núñez: “Santa Fe’s public channel must be closed, it is an unnecessary expense and nobody sees it”

Núñez: “The public channel of Santa Fe must be closed, it is an unnecessary expense and no one sees it”

In the midst of the discussion of the law basesfrom the PRO they again showed themselves in favor of the privatization of companies. This is how he demonstrated it Jose Nuneznational representative for Santa Fe.

We understand that it is necessary to privatize companies because it is not fair that the poorest sectors of Argentina finance the richest in the country with their taxes. It is not fair that Argentina’s party, salaries and expenses are financed and that is why it is necessary to privatize the majority of companies and especially those with deficits.“, expressed the legislator in dialogue with Radio Miter Santa Fe. And he added: “And if they don’t want public companies to be privatized, they must be efficient. The company that wants to be state-owned, like Aerolíneas, must be made efficient.“.

Núñez transferred the idea of privatize the province of Santa Fe, where he mentioned the Provincial Energy Company (EPE) and the public channel (RTS). “No one who is not a family member can enter the EPE. So let’s not mess around, there is a change of era and we want this to change. And to change, they have to get their act together, otherwise they will be part of the past.“, held.

And he stated: “I am totally against the Provincial television channel. That invention of the Bonfatti government. Spending 1.5 billion pesos of the Budget to have a television channel that nobody watches. Is it worth it? I am saying no, that it should be closed.“.

The State cannot put 1,500 million pesos for a channel that it does not watch. We have to close it because it is an unnecessary expense“he concluded.

Jose Nunez – Radio Mitre Santa Fe

José Núñez – Radio Miter Santa Fe

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