San Juan bus drivers will demonstrate against the union

San Juan bus drivers will demonstrate against the union
San Juan bus drivers will demonstrate against the union
The buses will not stop running.

The drivers of the RedTulum They will demonstrate this Friday, in front of the Automotive Tram Union (UTA), by way of self-summoned It will be in the morning, at the headquarters located on Sarmiento and 25 de Mayo streets. The reason arises from the disagreement that the workers have with respect to the management of the current general secretary of the union, Marcelo Maldonado, who they pointed out for not defending them.

“We are going to demonstrate without affecting the circulation of buses. Drivers who are on the afternoon shift, that is, those who do not work in the morning, are the ones who will go. The service will not be interrupted, nothing to do with the unions,” indicated to Zonda Daily, one of the drivers who will be present.

Along these lines, he explained that since the UTA they misinform, to the point of “make people believe things that are not true.” As an example, he stated that “People on the street believe that the driver charges 1 and a half or 2 million, because that is what they (from UTA) charge. When in reality we are in the $700,000. It’s less than the minimum wage,” said one of the workers.

With this panorama, they state that they will demonstrate against the union to fight for a salary increase and, also, for the $500,000 non-remunerative payments that should have been paid on May 15 and June.

Meanwhile, they claim that the leaders of the UTA San Juan are “silent” and with “absence” with transport workers. “They expose us as equals without taking into account the differences in power relations between employer and employee. It is a lack of respect not only to colleagues, but also to our families in the abandonment of workers, absence in the defense against unjustified dismissals, unfair and excessive suspensions, vacations out of season, workers without a schedule, unhealthy chemical toilets, cries of complicity with employers in the arrangement, without the consent of workers, in the payment of overtime. in black already at a ridiculous price,” they stated.

Likewise, they mentioned that they want elections in the guild, “free and transparent” and with calls in a timely manner “for all our future delegates.”

“We want to echo our opposition to the policy of detachment, cheating and helplessness. We remind Mr. Marcelo Maldonado that he lied to us with the driver’s day; he lied to us with the delivery of the Christmas box; he lied to us with the celebration of end of the year, Mother’s Day, Worker’s Day; he lied to us with the return of the money from the CGT general strike”, revealed.

We require the approval of the salary agreement agreed upon by the AMBA

“Show that you are on the side of the workers and not the employers. You betrayed the workers” they expressed to the head of the UTA, Maldonado.

Other claims

In addition to the salary, the drivers explained that the UTA “boasts of his” great achievements”, like an insignificant school kit, a cologne for which they charged $40,000 and, in addition, for a neighborhood for our colleagues”, they showed.

Going deeper into the housing complex, They stated that access was difficult for them, given the high fee costs.“Yes they were able to access their relatives, as well as members of the executive board and close associates. Greetings to Mr. Femenía, Mr. Barbosa, Mr. Ruiz, Mr. Miranda,” they mentioned.

“You don’t know how to cover up your cronyism and business ties. You put a price on our rights for a few coins,” they expressed to the head of the union.

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