Following a new clue, they investigate whether the missing child is in Córdoba

Following a new clue, they investigate whether the missing child is in Córdoba
Following a new clue, they investigate whether the missing child is in Córdoba


Following a new lead, they are investigating whether Loan Danilo Peña, the child missing in Corrientes 15 days ago, is in Córdoba. A woman reported that she saw a boy with “similar characteristics” at the door of a health center in the provincial capital.

This was reported by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Córdoba in his web page. “The Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of District 1, Shift 3, in charge of Jose Manainvestigates a complaint from a woman resident in the city of Córdoba who stated that on June 26 [por anteayer]around 5 pm, he saw a child of the same age and with physical characteristics as Loan Danilo Peña, at the door of the Obispo Angelelli neighborhood clinic in that capital. As a result, and immediately, multiple search and investigation measures were arranged in order to corroborate or discard the information, which are being processed. The case is currently under investigation.”he officially explained.

Qualified police sources consulted by THE NATION They said that the woman, in her brief communication, said that the child, who she saw had “similar characteristics” to Loan, was holding the hand of an older person.

A judicial detective, familiar with the complaint, said that, so far, beyond the complaint, there is no other clue that indicates that Loan is in Córdoba.

“The corresponding investigation will be carried out. But, for the moment, we only have the word of the woman who said that the child she saw resembled Loan. Nothing more,” added the spokesmen consulted.

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