More than 400 people were isolated by the passage of the frontal system through the Los Ríos Region

The main victims are registered in the communes of Lanco, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Futrono and Lago Ranco.

A total of 401 people were isolated in the Los Ríos Region following the recent passage of the frontal system through the area.

This is evident from the latest consolidated report from Senapred, which gives an account of the consequences of the storm that affected the territory.

Of this figure, 98 belong to the commune of Valdivia and 303 to Futrono, where rural communities were affected and isolated by road closures due to flooding of water courses.

In addition, there were victims affected by flooding of land and flooded houses. In Lanco there were three victims and 638 affected; in Los Lagos 29 affected and in Lago Ranco 21.

In the region there are 208 homes under damage assessment; Of those, one has major damage that is not habitable and 31 have minor damage that is habitable.

Senapred collected this information from the affected municipalities, where emergency teams remain on the ground monitoring the situation.

During this day, the affected homes in the commune of Los Lagos will be evaluated. In the commune of Lanco there are 207 homes under damage assessment and two victims are staying with relatives.

The National Disaster Prevention and Response System remains active and monitors in a coordinated manner the various emergency situations that may arise as a result of the weather condition.

The Yellow Alert is maintained for the commune of Panguipulli due to the activity of the Villarrica Volcano and the removal of masses on roads; while the communes of Futrono, Río Bueno and Lago Ranco are on Preventive Early Alert due to the activity of the Puyehue – Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex.

In Paillaco there is a Yellow Alert due to the threat of overflow of the Llollelhue rivers in Paillaco. Red Alert due to possible overflow of the Leufucade river in Panguipulli, Lanco, Mariquina and Valdivia.

Yellow Alert due to the threat of overflowing the Calle – Calle River in the communes of Los Lagos, Máfil and Valdivia.

Cruces River Overflow

This Friday morning, July 18, it was reported that the Cruces River has risen in large areas, which has flooded rural areas of the commune of San José de al Mariquina.

It even reached the entrance road to the city.


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