Census strike leaders denounce government persecution

Census strike leaders denounce government persecution
Census strike leaders denounce government persecution

The rector of the Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno (Uagrm), Vicente Cuéllar, publicly denounced this Friday that “continues the political persecution of the Government towards the members of the Interinstitutional Committee.” Unofficially, it was learned that The Public Prosecutor’s Office filed a formal accusation against the promoters of the 36-day strike for the census carried out between October and November 2022.

“We want to publicly denounce that this Government continues with political persecution to the members of the Interinstitutional Committee. We have unofficially learned that the Public Ministry has presented a formal accusation to take us to oral trial for the sole fact of having demanded the Population and Housing Census,” Cuéllar expressed at a press conference.

The indictment filed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office includes the governor of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho; the rector Vicente Cuéllar; the vice-rector Reinerio Vargas; the former president of the Committee for Santa Cruz, Rómulo Calvo; and the lawyer José Luis Santistevan. Charges include terrorismresolutions contrary to the law, racism, discrimination, attacks on freedom of work and other crimes.

Attorney Diego Coímbra, who is defending several of the accused, criticized the fact that the crimes attributed to him are not adequately substantiated. “It is not established on an individual basis what has been the conduct of each one nor is there concrete evidence presented,” stated Coímbra.

He also reported that The process is taking place in La Paz, against the regulations that establish that the trial should be held in Santa Cruz, the place of residence of the accused and where the events allegedly occurred.

For his part, lawyer Martín Camacho, defender of Luis Fernando Camacho, said that “The Public Ministry has not collected sufficient evidence to present this accusation, which shows a political tinge against the governor and the other defendants.”

Rómulo Calvo, former president of the Pro Santa Cruz Committee, considered that the government seeks to divert the population’s attention due to its poor management. “ANDThe government wants to change the media agenda after the self-coup farce “This has been sent at a time when more than 80% of the Bolivian population rejects the poor management that it has,” he questioned.

For his part, Vice Chancellor Reinerio Vargas described the process as political persecution. “This is not a trial, it is a political persecution“This is a tyrannical, dictatorial government that wants to subjugate us,” Vargas said.

Read also

Santa Cruz

Lawyer confirms that Luis Fernando Camacho was notified about the ‘Golpe I’ case

The Public Ministry formally accused the elected governor of Santa Cruz, for the alleged crimes of terrorism, sedition and others, for the 36-day strike

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