After the approval of the basic law, the Government aims to add support to the “May Pact”

With the basic law and the fiscal package approved, the Government is facing a new stage. To do so, it needs to obtain political support. That is why its next stop on the roadmap is the May Pact, which became the July Pact.

Through an official statement, the Office of the Presidency reaffirmed its call to governors and political leaders “who want to accompany the process of change” to “eliminate the recipes of misery from the future of Argentina and embrace the ideas of freedom, committing to the historic signing of the May Pact with ten refoundational and fundamental policies to return greatness to the Nation.”

What the Pact is about

The original May Pact had been called during the opening of the ordinary sessions of Congress by Javier Milei. It was a 10-point treaty to “redundant” the country and the governors were invited to sign it in Córdoba during the anniversary of the May Revolution.

See alsoHow the Santa Fe deputies voted on the Law on Bases, Profits and Personal Property

The delay in approving the basic law not only postponed the meeting – scheduled for July in Tucumán, the cradle of Argentine independence – but, in the meantime, and in search of gaining support, the Executive modified the decalogue.

The new text was renamed the Acta de Mayo (May Act) and included an area that had been demanded by a large part of the political spectrum: education.

For this reason, a point was added to advance “a useful and modern initial, primary and secondary education, with full literacy and without dropping out of school.” To keep the points at ten, an article resisted by some provincial leaders, which promoted a “political reform,” was eliminated.

Furthermore, the minutes invite the creation of the May Council, announced by Milei in Córdoba on 05/25. This body would be made up of “a President of the May Council, a representative of the National Executive Branch, a representative of the Chamber of Deputies, a representative of the Senate, a representative of the provinces, a representative of the union entities and a representative of the business sector”.

See alsoThe Government obtained the final approval of the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package

Everything indicates that the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, will be the representative of the Executive.

Although it has not been officially confirmed, there is speculation that the match in Tucumán will take place on the evening of July 8. Why not the 9th? The intention is to make it epic with a night event, and on July 9 the Argentine National Team could play the semi-finals of the Copa América, which would take the spotlight away from the political event.

Supports and rejections

Since the intention to sign a pact between governors was announced in July, some leaders have confirmed that they will accompany the invitation.

One of the first to demonstrate was the governor of Santa Fe Maximiliano Pullaro, during Milei’s visit to Rosario within the framework of the last Flag Day. He also ratified the support of Martín Llaryora (Córdoba): “You have to be part of the solution.”

5701e25bde.jpgSee alsoHow do the changes that Deputies will approve with the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package affect the Monotax?

The host, Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán), is another who has already made public his support for the president on several occasions. In recent weeks, the support of Peronist Raúl Jalil (Catamarca) was added, something that was evidenced by how the deputies of that province voted on the income tax in the House of Representatives (three in favor and one abstention).

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, has already announced that he will not be in Tucumán. “If this is a marketing photo of the Government to pretend to have support that it does not have, don’t count on me,” said the leader of Unión por la Patria.

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