Milestones of learning placed under the gaze of a transformative pedagogy « UCN News of the day – Catholic University of the North

Milestones of learning placed under the gaze of a transformative pedagogy « UCN News of the day – Catholic University of the North
Milestones of learning placed under the gaze of a transformative pedagogy « UCN News of the day – Catholic University of the North

Dr. Karina Vásquez Burgos
Head of the Pedagogy Career in Differential Education with a mention in Emotional and Cognitive Development UCN

Northern Chile, characterized by its desert geography and long distances between communities, presents significant challenges for future educators. The dispersion of the population in rural and urban areas, together with cultural diversity, demands training that prepares teachers to adapt to very varied contexts. In this sense, the Catholic University of the North in Antofagasta commits its efforts to training teachers with a social and committed outlook in adverse terrain, which considers the understanding of the sociocultural particularities of indigenous and rural communities.

In this sense, one of the main difficulties is the geographical dispersion of the region, which complicates access to Higher Education for many students. Therefore, strengthening its connection with the school and community environment involves developing alliances with schools and institutions to work in the field of special education, with the fundamental purpose of contributing to the development of the local and regional community.

Since the arrival of the concept of inclusion, in Chile we have made progress in the way we understand diversity, considering that the population with disabilities has historically been one of the groups that has suffered the most discrimination in the social, educational and labor systems. Despite the important advances achieved in the last four decades in the educational care of this population, there are still children and young people who have not had the opportunity to attend an educational establishment or who do not have the necessary technical support to learn on equal terms in schools, high schools and colleges.

The notable theoretical and practical advances in special education developed in recent years, both globally and nationally, added to the new demands of the population with disabilities, highlight the urgent need to create new conditions in both special education as regular, to provide adjusted and quality educational responses that favor the access, permanence and graduation of these students in the school system.

In the context of Pedagogy training in Differential Education, it is not just a branch of pedagogy, it is a declaration of principles about inclusion and the right to quality education for all. In Northern Chile, where socioeconomic gaps can be more pronounced, special education teachers play a crucial role. Their work is not limited to classrooms, but extends to families and communities, promoting a culture against diversity.

The Special Education Pedagogy program at the Universidad Católica del Norte faces a series of challenges that, while significant, also represent opportunities to improve and strengthen the training of future professionals. These challenges range from academic and logistical aspects to sociocultural and technological issues. In this sense, the program is undergoing its first accreditation process with the purpose of maintaining and improving quality standards through self-assessment mechanisms, which is a constant challenge for Initial Teacher Training.

In my role as head of the UCN Antofagasta Program, overcoming these challenges will not only strengthen the program, but will also contribute to the training of professionals capable of transforming education in the region and promoting a more inclusive and equitable society. Looking to the future, it is essential to continue strengthening the training of these professionals with more resources and government support. Investment in educational infrastructure and continuing training programs will be key to ensuring that special education teachers can effectively fulfill their mission. In addition, collaboration with non-governmental organizations and participation in international inclusive education networks can open new development and learning opportunities for our regional and national present and future.

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