Rector Pablo Vera University of Magdalena

Rector Pablo Vera University of Magdalena
Rector Pablo Vera University of Magdalena

From the Central Subregion of the department, Dr. Vera Salazar said that, in addition to the 75 students from Ariguaní who benefited from the most impactful inclusion strategy in the region, 5 new places have been added.

To the sound of the cumbia ‘El Pescador’ by José Barros Palomino, ‘The Route of Opportunities’ arrived in the municipality of Ariguaní and just as the candles were lit, so did the hopes of the families of the Central Subregion; when the rector Pablo Vera Salazar announced that there would now be 80 beneficiaries of Talento Magdalena.

Today Ariguaní has ​​at its service the first doctor with the UNIMAGDALENA seal, favored with this inclusion strategy and gives back to the territory with knowledge and vocation. This is Laura Ruiz who graduated from Medicine thanks to the Talento Magdalena program.

During the announcement of the good news for this municipality, rector Pablo Vera evoked his memories of how public education transformed his life, honoring the work of mothers and teachers. And he expressed gratitude for having received the award as the “Most Impactful Leader in the Americas” and what such recognition symbolizes.

“Because of that commitment, because of what I saw my mother suffer, we created this program so that other young people like me, who only wanted an opportunity, can participate. It is for those people who, despite the difficulties of life and living in El Difícil, never give up,” said Dr. Vera about Talento Magdalena.

The effort and opportunities today have a reward in those who are working to make their dreams of becoming the new professionals of Ariguaní come true. Today there are 75 beneficiaries and five new places for a total of 80.

The mayor (e) of this municipality, Eliecer Torres Rivera highlighted the benefits of the Alma Mater’s flagship inclusion program, “it is good that through these programs we continue to strengthen education and that in one way or another these young people return to our municipality with the aim of continuing to pay it back.”

Karol Juliana Balanta Fonseca is a beneficiary of Talento Magdalena, she will be in her fifth semester of Psychology and expressed her satisfaction at the good news delivered to the municipality of Ariguaní, she recalled the excitement when she found out that she had won the scholarship to study at this Higher Education Institution.

“Effort is the path to success. I am the result of that and just as I am there (referring to the University of Magdalena) they can also get there at some point. Because as our Rector says, education is a door that opens us to success,” advised the future psychologist.

Talento Magdalena has several objectives, among which the following stand out: Increase the presence of students from Magdalena in the Department’s public university; Promote educational quality in the previous levels of education; Generate the development of the territory: and stimulate healthy competition to obtain good results in the Saber 11th grade tests.

Ariguaní students with outstanding results

The beneficiaries of Talento Magdalena from the municipality of Ariguaní, precisely those who study the Medicine program, are those who have the best academic performance. Currently, of the 75 beneficiaries, 9 are studying this undergraduate program in person, plus the first graduate from the municipality, Laura Ruíz, who works at the Municipal Hospital.

This year, nine professionals will graduate from Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Civil Engineering, Public Accounting, Medicine, Law and Systems Engineering.

Ariguaní already has three graduates, the doctor Laura Ruíz, the civil engineer, Yoiner Ramírez and the electronic engineer, Brayan García.

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