Tarapacá region with record trend in job creation – Iquiquevision

Tarapacá region with record trend in job creation – Iquiquevision
Tarapacá region with record trend in job creation – Iquiquevision

More than 8 thousand jobs were created during one year

Continuing with the trend of recovery and reactivation of the labor market, the latest Employment report for the March-May 2024 quarter of the National Institute of Statistics, INE, the region registered an Unemployment Rate of 5.8%, decreasing 1.1 percentage points (pp.) in twelve months, in addition, it was lower than that registered at the national level (8.3%).

In addition, the bulletin indicated that the Employment Rate was 62.5%, ranking as the third highest at the national level, with the highest estimate of employed people.

The Seremi of Labor and Social Security, Ignacio Prieto, stated that “in one year more than 8 thousand jobs were created in the region and the number of formal employees reached 115,878, the highest figure known.”

She added that “we also want to increase female participation in the workforce, promote gender equality, make our work life compatible with our family life, creating the necessary conditions for women to be able to reconcile these two spheres, without having to choose between them. This will improve women’s working conditions and at the same time ensure that they can access the same conditions and benefits as men.”


For the Ministry of Labor, “all these figures also represent a challenge and invite us to continue working to promote Decent Work, increase oversight coverage and promote fair labor relations with a gender perspective.”

Prieto said that “one of the needs and challenges for the region is to work with informal employment, which, although it was reduced by 3.2%, was now at 31.4%, placing us in ninth place at the national level.”

The measures proposed by the Government include reducing informality through sanctions and controls on informal activity and incentives and facilities to formalize companies, which reflects the intention to improve this situation for people in the country and our region.

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