ADEG will elect the Board of Directors this Wednesday, July 3, 2024

ADEG will elect the Board of Directors this Wednesday, July 3, 2024
ADEG will elect the Board of Directors this Wednesday, July 3, 2024

With a total of 13 registered slates, the election ceremony for the board of directors of the Guaviare Teachers Association ADEG will take place next Wednesday, July 3. This activity will take place at the headquarters located in Centro from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, said Aurelio Zuluaga, associate professor.

He also stated that the statutory period of the Association establishes that the term of office of the board is two years. He indicated that there are 700 teachers affiliated with the Guaviare Teachers Association ADEG who will be responsible for electing the board.

Regarding the projections of the new leadership of the Adeg, he pointed out that it must have a strong voice and the objective is the defense of education. On social networks, the community will be able to learn about the 13 lists that are currently advancing their campaigns in the final stretch of the process.

He also announced that the Ethics Committee will be elected through two lists that register for that position. Next Tuesday they will meet in Ordinary Assembly and on Wednesday there will be the election process.

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