“We need to agree on a mechanism for regulated competition within the ruling party”

“We need to agree on a mechanism for regulated competition within the ruling party”
“We need to agree on a mechanism for regulated competition within the ruling party”

The Typographer spoke with the former deputy and current regional president of the Green Regionalist Party about the election of regional governor and the regional and national political contingency.

“We see with concern what is happening with the election of governors here in the O’Higgins region, because so far the parties that form the government coalition have not agreed to establish a mechanism that allows you to define whether it is one candidate or two, or more candidates for regional governorship. There has not been a meeting that has established a procedure in this regard,” says former parliamentarian of the region Aníbal Pérez, analyzing the election next October, especially for the position of regional governor.

“In the face of this, we as green regionalists propose that there be a regulated competition. What does that mean? That the governing parties establish a procedure to define the best way to put forward one candidate or two candidates, because we also say that putting forward three or four candidates from the governing coalition would be disastrous, because we could be handing over the leadership of the region to someone from the opposition or the right, and that obviously cannot be,” and added that “that is why we propose a regulated competition. And we believe that two candidates from the governing coalition ensure that this very important institution remains in our hands. Why? Because in the election of governors there is a second round and obviously the two candidates would have to sign the formal commitment that the one who comes second will support whoever goes to the second round.”

According to Pérez, “this does not break up the coalition, we have a regulated competition as befits serious parties, and it also gives people the opportunity to express their diversity, because not all views are the same regarding how to govern the region.

In this context, Aníbal Pérez pointed out that as a party they support the candidacy of the prominent trauma doctor from Rancagua Hugo Boza for the position of regional governor.

The former parliamentarian also referred to worrying symptoms regarding the development of the region “obviously we have a regional GDP below the national average and that shows us that no major works have been done in the region with public resources that aim precisely at that, to produce greater efficiency in productive activity, to have higher levels of training in the labor world and the examples are clear regarding the lack of regional-scale projects” and added that “no one can explain and no one gives us an explanation of why the dual carriageway between Santa Cruz and San Fernando has been paralyzed for two years. What is happening with the steps with Argentina? We are one of the few regions in the country that do not have steps with Argentina, I think that a different, more integrative view is missing, with more future and with more depth in the productive aspect”.

Finally, regarding the impact of the increase in electricity bills on families and SMEs and MSMEs, the former legislator proposed that “why not a bonus for small and medium-sized companies for this increase in rates? Obviously a transitory bonus for a certain period of time, the regional governments have resources, and some have been very poorly invested in the country and could help a sector that is going to have problems when the time comes to pay its electricity bill. , which can have serious repercussions for the economy of the region and the country.”

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