Las Tunas for the perfection of territorial defense

Las Tunas for the perfection of territorial defense
Las Tunas for the perfection of territorial defense

Las Tunas.- The Territorial Defense Day will take place on Saturday, June 29 in the province of Las Tunas to improve the work in the organization of the defense of the eight municipalities, and the preparation of the main specialists of the different combat structures.

Actions carried out during crisis periods and the fight against enemy actions will also be checked, as well as the fulfilment of missions during exceptional situations and disasters.

The activities of the day will also be aimed at perfecting the organization of the management work of the process of putting the units in complete combat readiness in a non-conventional war scenario, with special attention to the territorial assurances of the armed struggle and the plans, with the participation of the cadres, command bodies and specialists of the different defensive structures at all levels.

In addition, tactical defensive exercises will be carried out, and the transition to war time of the different structures and means of communication, training and shooting exercises.

The central exercise of the territorial Defense Day will take place in zone 31.02.03 of Delicias, municipality of Puerto Padre, with the participation of the president of the Provincial Defense Council together with his work groups and the head of the military Region.


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