Indigenous man murdered in Cauca was the son of Colombia’s Vice Minister of Ethnic Peoples

Eivar Danilo Poto, son of the Vice Minister of Ethnic Peoples of Colombia, Nelson Lemus, was murdered this Friday in the department of Cauca (southwest)hit by an increase in violence, confirmed the indigenous organization Minga Association and several government institutions.

“We sadly denounce the murder of Nelson Lemus’ son: a comrade, historic leader of Cauca and currently Vice Minister of Ethnic Peoples in the Ministry of Equality. This crime committed by the Central General Staff (EMC), the main dissident group of the FARC, is evidence of their lack of commitment to peace. Our solidarity with the Nasa people,” reported Asociación Minga in X.

The National Planning Department also regretted the murder of Poto: “Life is sacred and the path to peace cannot continue to be muddied with blood.”. We categorically reject all types of violence in Colombia. We accompany the family in these difficult times,” he indicated in his X account.

Also The Minister of Information and Communications Technologies, Mauricio Lizcano, showed “outright rejection” regarding the murder and urged a prompt investigation to clarify the crime.

“For indigenous people, life is sacred. May the memory of Eivar Danilo Poto inspire the fight for a country of dignity, rights and harmony,” said the director of the Land Restitution Unit (URT), Giovani Yule.

Other political actors such as the Polo Democrático Alternativo party also added to this rejection, which stated in its X account that “Those who insist on war and do not show a real will for peace must know that all of Colombia rejects them.”

Congressmen and indigenous leaders have joined in condemning this murder in messages published on social networks.

Although The authorities have not yet confirmed the authorship of the murder nor has anyone claimed responsibility. The wave of violence that has shaken the southwest of Colombia has been carried out by the split in two.

Until March, the EMC, commanded by ‘Iván Mordisco’, was negotiating peace, but now its division into two has led to a breakdown in dialogue by guerrilla factions in the southwest, which are engaged in a bloody struggle with the Colombian government.

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