Ideas for the future of Cordoba

Ideas for the future of Cordoba
Ideas for the future of Cordoba

I recently published a book titled The future of Córdobawith a disruptive vision of what we can achieve

Initial thesis: we live in a Córdoba forged in the past, but without sufficient commitment and action to project it into the future.

We have natural strengths and as a society. Three great challenges: strengthening ourselves as a hub of knowledge; play at a global level in food processing and export, and the most challenging, compete for national and international companies to locate their offices and their managers here.

The condition is to become independent from the porteños, but not politically, but mentally. Enough of being the “second”, self-justified by comparing ourselves with other more precarious provinces. What a mediocre destiny! More firmness to claim what belongs to us. But also more deployment.

Let us focus on achieving a more direct and intense relationship with the world. Leading foreign trade and becoming the gateway to Santiago de Chile, Asunción, La Paz, Sao Paulo, Montevideo. Enough of depending on Buenos Aires, harassed by the marginality of the suburbs and its vain pretension of being like Europe.

Our pillars are weak. Education is in a state of emergency. Social issues are in disarray due to insecurity and drugs. Our economy has been stagnant for many years. Our small and medium-sized businesses are brave but precarious. The National University of Cordoba, as it operates, is of no use to us. Uncontrolled free admission with only 20% of graduates is a scam. This institution is ours –the people of Cordoba–, but it has been hijacked by university politics.

The disruptive aspect of the book (which can be downloaded for free at is that it proposes not expecting anything more from the State’s management. Quite the opposite: applying the ideas of freedom to Córdoba. De-statizing our society, to liberate the strength of civil society and private initiative. Privatizing, adjusting, deregulating, reducing taxes…

Even to reverse poverty, remove the State from social management and have the resources go to finance the actions of society itself. We will do it better and with more commitment. Even at the level of education we can innovate: a State that audits exams and qualifications, but that withdraws from the direct management of public education. Society will do better. It is the healthy principle of subsidiarity, applied to Córdoba.

Of course: if we want social cooperation, we need a resounding reduction in the perception of impunity that today neutralizes us and is the breeding ground for insecurity, the favelization of neighborhoods and the growing dominance of drug trafficking. That means more criminals in prison.

The environmental future of Córdoba is a whole chapter, due to the lack of sewage, real recycling of garbage, fires, water, extinction of native forests. We should feel deep shame for how little progress we have made.

If we are going to activate, we have to rethink local politics. But we raise a concrete, surpassing hope: 500 young people from different sectors (politics, universities, Justice, media, companies and non-governmental organizations, religions, culture and sports) agreeing and deploying coordinated action to forge the future we long for. The call is made.

* President of Civilitas, leader of PRO Córdoba.

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