Cali Palace of Justice: Elevator emergency investigated

Cali Palace of Justice: Elevator emergency investigated
Cali Palace of Justice: Elevator emergency investigated

Asonal Judicial and Ombudsman of Cali request the review of the elevators after four events that occurred in June.

Through videos on social media, there have been reports of incidents in which users have been trapped in the elevators of the Palace of Justice in Cali, Pedro Elías Serrano.

The evidence has raised alarms, since said facility in the capital of Valle del Cauca has already recorded a fatal accident in one of its elevators in 2018.

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“In the course of this month we have already had four events, the previous one, We also have the video, it was eight days ago, the people trapped waiting for the OTIS technicians to arrive lasted 45 minutes and this has been happening very frequently.“We have been reporting this; there have been more cases with these new elevators that were installed after the elevator collapsed in 2018 than precisely those that were changed, and that worries us,” said Diego Achinte, president of Asonal Judicial Cali.

In the event recorded on June 27, in the video recorded by the union association, it was observed that ‘Signature Service’ technicians had to pass the trapped users through a space of at least 50 centimeters between the elevator and the floora Rimax chair so they could get on it and be taken out of the elevator.

The situation has generated concern because, At the beginning of the afternoon of August 15, 2018, elevator number three fell with six people inside.falling to the second basement with a balance of two people dead and four more who were seriously injured.

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“It has never been our interest to create panic or alarm (…) The truth is that today no director of the National Superior Council or any civil director of the Executive Directorate is going to tell you today: ‘I guarantee that nothing will happen to the elevators’none. And whoever agrees to that, obviously is inflicting responsibility on themselves because they cannot give it. Oh, the contractor told us that,” the union leader pointed out.

Achinte added that they have met with the current director, there were meetings with the technicians and with the manager of the Otis Colombia brand, who They were told that there were a series of electrical flow failures. In that same sense, Cali’s Ombudsman, Gerardo Mendoza, requested that the Risk Management Secretariat verify the status of elevators.

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