Three alleged members of the group are captured in Valencia, Córdoba

Three alleged members of the group are captured in Valencia, Córdoba
Three alleged members of the group are captured in Valencia, Córdoba

Armed with American-made automatic rifles and ammunition for them, they were surprised in the municipality of Valencia, Cordovathree alleged members of the Gulf Clan.

(This is the key video of the capture of Iván René Valenciano’s son)

To the indicated members of the Javier Yepes Cantero substructure of the illegal armed group, captured in development of operations framed in the Ayacucho Campaign Plan carried out by troops from the Eleventh Brigade of the Army with investigative units of the National Police in the Nueva Esperanza village.

(Supervigilance suspends patrols of mobile security in Sincelejo)

They are charged with the crime of trafficking, manufacturing, carrying or possession of firearms, accessories or ammunition.

The authorities’ investigations indicate that they would have been in the criminal organization for 5 years. Two of the capturedknown by the aliases of El Puerto and El Morocho, have criminal records for homicide and conspiracy to commit crimes, financing of terrorism and criminal groups.

(This is Nataly Morales, the one allegedly involved in Westcol’s infidelity)

This blow to the Clan del Golfo was possible thanks to the timely information provided by the community, which made it possible to intercept two motorcycles on which the aforementioned were traveling, carrying in a bag the two American-made AM-15 model semi-automatic assault rifles. and valued at more than 30 million pesos.

According to the National Police, these rifles have a special feature that allows them to be adapted to different types of barrels, and that allows the use of 9 mm, 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm caliber ammunition.

(Mininterior examines alert on creation of FARC dissident front)

So far in 2024, the Police have managed to capture 1,243 people in Córdoba for different crimes, 72 of them for illegal carrying of firearms and 48 members of criminal gangs. Likewise, 96 illegal firearms have been seized.

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