Ferocious fire in Chaco: 4 warehouses of the Argentine Post Office caught fire and medical supplies sent by the Nation were lost

Ferocious fire in Chaco: 4 warehouses of the Argentine Post Office caught fire and medical supplies sent by the Nation were lost
Ferocious fire in Chaco: 4 warehouses of the Argentine Post Office caught fire and medical supplies sent by the Nation were lost

400 pallets of medical supplies were lost

Four sheds of the Argentine Mail caught fire during Thursday night and early Friday morning in Endurance, Chaco. As a result, a large amount of medical supplies sent by the Ministry of Health of the NationThe images are shocking.

The fire started around 10 pm on Thursday in the property located on the street Guaycurú River at 2500The neighbors were the ones who notified the authorities of what happened, so police officers Fourth Police Station were present at the scene.

Upon arrival, they found a fierce fire, which generated a column of smoke several meters high – as seen in the video at the top of this article. Consequently, they notified the firefighters and several crews arrived shortly after.

According to the information that the local media had access to, Chaco Diary, around 11:15 p.m. the enormous flames were controlled. However, several outbreaks remained active until 2 a.m. on Friday. Company staff SAMEEP He also collaborated with the extinction work.

Fortunately, there were no injuries or fatalities. The affected warehouses belong to the Argentine Post Office. Some of them stored metal sheets and tires, but another stored medical supplies that had been sent by the Nation.

During the day on Friday, the balance of the losses became known. There, There were 400 pallets of gowns and hospital supplies that were completely lost, according to what the warehouse manager told the media.

The flames caused the total destruction of three sheds measuring 50 meters long by 15 meters wide, and one shed measuring 25 meters long by 15 meters wide. They all communicated with each other, which facilitated the spread of the fire. Roofs and structures collapsed.

The quick action of the firefighters made it possible to protect another warehouse that also contained health supplies, so the loss could have been much greater.

Once the flames were controlled and the ashes cooled, the Jurisdictional Police Station handed over the custody of the place to the person in charge, waiting for the corresponding investigations to be carried out to determine the causes of the raging fire.

A few months ago, a shocking fire burned a shed for trucks transporting fuel oils. The event occurred around 7 p.m. on Friday, April 26, when several sounds of explosions were reported in the building of the Juan Carlos Bustos company, located in the town of Coquimbito, department of Maipu, Mendoza. The fire would have started in two of the trucks that were stored in the warehouse, until it began to spread to the rest of the surface.

The neighbors realized what had happened due to the noises and the column of smoke that began to be seen, so they alerted the emergency services about the incident. However, the flames would have advanced quickly towards the neighboring home, because the vehicles stored fuel inside.

According to Diario Uno, the Volunteer Firefighters of Guaymallén and Maipú worked on the scene, although they had to request water reinforcements from nearby detachments, because the fire reached an average height of between 2 and 3 meters. In addition, the agents had to resort to the use of special foam for fires, after the focus spread.

In parallel, several members of the Mendoza Police They mounted a security operation by blocking the streets in a radius of 200 meters around the incident to prevent the lives of citizens from being endangered. Finally, the flames were controlled around 9 p.m., so the rest of the work was concentrated on cooling the remains.

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