Proposals announced for the summer stage in Camagüey

Proposals announced for the summer stage in Camagüey
Proposals announced for the summer stage in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 28.- “This summer 2024 is distinguished by institutional integration,” said Kenny Ortigas Guerrero, Provincial Director of Culture at a press conference regarding the activities of the summer season.

The director pointed out that this year, as a novelty, a program was designed that goes beyond what was previously conceived and seeks to take advantage of every day of the week with novel activities coordinated by the different cultural institutions of the territory.

Likewise, he considered that the main objective is to bring the shows to the communities, which is when Ballet presentations will be held. Contemporary and Folkloric in neighborhoods far from the city, while the Camagüey Ballet will tour the municipalities of the Camagüey territory.

Ortigas Guerrero said that the summer was designed based on the economic and electrical energy situation that the country is facing, but in terms of organization, planning and management it is superior to that of previous years.

Armando Pérez Padrón, director of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba in Camagüey, explained that the institution has a series of characterized spaces whose essence is to enhance the sociocultural development of the people of Camagüey.

A novelty offered by this institution is a proposal aimed at offering a content that allows us to recover historical memory and autochthony and therefore combat cultural colonization, this will take place every Thursday at 5 in the afternoon in the Plaza de la Solidaridad known as Plaza del Gallo.

The Provincial Music Center will host a day of concerts dedicated to the Day of National Rebellion; in August, to mark the 98th anniversary of the birth of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the Municipal Band Festival will take place at the Campestre Casino, while to close the summer, a casino round will be held with the Maravilla de Florida orchestra.

The Provincial Council of Performing Arts also organizes a series of proposals within them the Day of Humor from August 16 to 18 at the Principal and Avellaneda theaters, which will feature the presence of several groups belonging to the Center for the Promotion of Humor.

The Areíto circus and the Cuban Magic Theater Company will also offer presentations in the month of August in theaters in the city of Camagüey.

The Guiñol Theater will premiere the play “The Girl and the Elephant” with a presentation every Saturday in the month of July. Likewise, the statue project belonging to this Theater company will be present on the city’s central Calle República.

The Mobile Cinema will return to the communities on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month with screenings of short films and Cuban animated films regarding the 65th anniversary of the creation of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Brigade and the Comic Art Project of the Provincial Council of Plastic Arts.

Yenisleidys Sáez Flores, director of the Provincial Film Center, also reported that the cinemas of the Camagüey city will host the premiere of 9 Cuban films, as will the movie theaters of the municipalities that still have these sites.

From August 20 to 23, the Ejo Project will hold a Celebration Day for the 30th anniversary of the publication of Cuentos Patatos by the writer Niurki Pérez.

On the other hand, from August 8 to 14, the Literary Crusade will return, an event that is sponsored by the local branch of the Hermanos Saíz Association and promotes literature in municipalities of the territory.

Every Sunday in Plaza Maceo there will be a Children’s Fair with the participation of all the arts and crafts projects of the Provincial System of Houses of Culture.

Various institutions in the area will also offer workshops and courses for all audiences aimed at sociocultural development, the development of artistic skills and the promotion of Camagüeyan cultural products.

Summer Mode is the slogan that distinguishes this year’s summer stage, its design prestige the colors and essence of summer in Cuba, which is testimony to the detailed organization that was conceived. In Camagüey, the diversity of possible options is palpable thanks to the articulated work of the Culture sector in the Camagüey territory. (Text and photo: Idaylén Rodríguez/RCA)

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