Celebrate responsibly • La Nación

Celebrate responsibly • La Nación
Celebrate responsibly • La Nación

Due to the festivities of San Juan and San Pedro, the department of Huila, including its capital Neiva, is experiencing its most party days. Queens, parades, parades, cultural, craft and artistic meetings and concerts capture the attention of locals and visitors.

The festivities have entered their final stretch with everything that implies: overflowing joy, greater consumption of liquor, more visitors, a great commercial movement.

In the case of Neiva, between today and tomorrow, Sunday, there will be activities that will revolve around the candidates for the National Bambuco Reign, but also events that are worth visiting by locals and tourists such as the Los Sabores del Huila Fair, the Huila Book and Art Festival and the National Meeting of Master Craftsmen.

A series of public and private concerts put the cherry on the cake of this long weekend. Festival Street, the stage where artists perform for free, welcomes this year singers such as Eddy Herrera, Alzate, Rafa Pérez, Jhonny Rivera, Reykon, Jessi Uribe, among others.

And it’s not just Neiva. In various municipalities of Huila, there are a series of festive activities for countrymen and visitors to enjoy the most traditional mid-year celebration in the old Tolima Grande, as this region of the country was known.

Those who have come to the department also have the great opportunity to enjoy the natural and tourist riches that surround us such as the La Tatacoa desert, the San Agustín Archaeological Park, Las Termales in Rivera, the coffee farms in Gigante and Garzón, La Caja of Water in Paicol, La Mano del Gigante, the viewpoints, among many other places.

May these hours be a great celebration, always prevailing responsibility and moderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Long live San Pedro!

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