Wedding couple ended up arrested for a fight in Garzón • La Nación

Wedding couple ended up arrested for a fight in Garzón • La Nación
Wedding couple ended up arrested for a fight in Garzón • La Nación

The unusual case occurred in the San Isidro neighborhood of the diocesan capital of Huila, where residents of the area alerted the police about a fight.

This is how the squad moved to the site to respond to the emergency. There they found an act of violence inside a residence and proceeded to mediate to avoid a tragedy.

At that moment, a man and a woman, who were romantic partners, were deprived of their freedom for being involved in the fight. According to the officers, both of them attacked each other physically and verbally.

It is for this reason that with reasons based on article 229 of the Colombian Penal Code, they were transferred to the Police Station, to begin their judicial process for the crime of domestic violence.

In these situations, the law establishes that the person who physically or psychologically abuses any member of his or her family will incur, provided that the conduct does not constitute a crime punishable by a greater penalty, a prison sentence of four (4) to eight (8) years.

The suspects were placed at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office, who will present them before a guarantee control judge to define their criminal situation. The call of the authorities is to resolve differences through dialogue and not through violence, especially in this Sampedrina season where fights are motivated by excessive alcohol intake.

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