Strong images: cowardly attack on a woman recorded inside a vehicle in Antofagasta

Strong images: cowardly attack on a woman recorded inside a vehicle in Antofagasta
Strong images: cowardly attack on a woman recorded inside a vehicle in Antofagasta

A woman suffered a reprehensible and cowardly attack in broad daylight, inside a vehicle, in the city of Antofagasta.

It’s about a fact that was recorded by a witness who shared the video on social media to denounce the obvious crime.

As can be seen in the images, the driver of the car He hit the co-pilot while the machine was stopped at the intersection of Eduardo Orchard and Salvador Reyes streets.

In his defense, the victim only managed to cover his face, which resulted in him being punched in the shoulders and back. Later, upon noticing the presence of passers-by and other motorists, The driver accelerated and left the scene..

According to local media, there has been no formal complaint regarding what happened. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Women has asked for more information from the person who made the video go viral.

Phone 1455

1455 is a counseling line, staffed by violence specialists, which provides guidance to all women who suffer or witness physical and/or sexual abuse. psychological. Its role is to inform women about their rights, reporting processes and services, Women’s Centers[+] and help offered by the SernamEG[+] (National Service for Women and Gender Equality) to support women who experience violence. Opening hours of 1455 08:00 to 00:00 hours except holidays.

Warning: Strong images

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