The Road Authority moves the asphalt plant to repave Route 5

Governor Gustavo Sáenz had announced at the end of last May, during a visit to Joaquín V. González, the decision to move the asphalt plant located in the city of Salta to repave provincial route 5.

Following this provision, the Salta Road Authority began transporting the machinery to Paso de La Cruz (Las Lajitas) to carry out these tasks on one of the most important roads in the Anta department and the province.

The works will be carried out on about 30 kilometers, of the 65 that this road has, between Lumbreras and Ceibalito.

Gonzalo Macedo, head of provincial Highways, highlighted the initiative promoted by Governor Sáenz. The works are expected to begin in the coming weeks, when the necessary materials arrive to carry out the recycling, new base, sub-base and subsequent resurfacing.

The official highlighted that during July work will also begin to completely pave RP 52, known as Juana Azurduy, and reach the junction with RP 41, in which similar works will be carried out benefiting this productive area of ​​the province.

Macedo stressed the decision of the president to continue investing provincial resources with the aim of optimizing road infrastructure throughout the territory and exemplified this with the historic paving of RP 27 (Los Andes department), which will begin in the coming weeks, and the construction of the bypass road in Campo Quijano.

The announcement of the resurfacing work on provincial route 5 in Anta, from Lumbreras to Ceibalito, with the transfer of the asphalt plant and the Provincial Roads camp, is a relief for transportation and production in that area.

According to the announcements, there will be 30 kilometers that today appear to be the most deteriorated within the road network of the longest provincial route in the province. Route 5 begins at the intersection of National Highway 34, near Lumbreras, and runs almost 300 kilometers north, to Pichanal. Not only is it an alternative route to Route 34, which connects the south with the north of the province, but also the route through which the thick harvest leaves the departments of San Martín, Orán, Anta and also Rivadavia.

With the aim of refocusing production in the province, turning investments into agricultural and livestock areas, this appears to be the beginning of a plan that seeks to reposition activities beyond mining, in one of the most productive departments in the entire NOA.

Other works in the region

The lighting of an urban section of Route 5 between the towns of Luis Burela and Apolinario Saravia is also part of the productive plan for the region. Sáenz arrived in Apolinario Saravia a few weeks ago with inaugurations in this regard: a bank headquarters, free Internet and the installation of offices of the Provincial University of Administration, Technology and Trades (Upateco).

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