More than half of the country is under extreme cold alert and snow has fallen in some parts of Buenos Aires

More than half of the country is under extreme cold alert and snow has fallen in some parts of Buenos Aires
More than half of the country is under extreme cold alert and snow has fallen in some parts of Buenos Aires

Several towns were hit by the phenomenon during Friday night and early Saturday morning (NA)

For the last weekend of June, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) announced a sharp drop in temperature in several areas of the country. Before this panorama, In a total of 19 provinces there will be alerts for Extreme cold during the day on Saturday. Even, The first snowfall was recorded in some points of the province of Buenos Aires, such as Mar del Plata and surroundings.

According to the alerts issued by the meteorological agency, the provinces that will be affected are: Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe, La Pampa, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Jujuy, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquen, Chubut and Santa Cruz.

In most of the regions reached by the polar wave The yellow alert will remain active, indicating the possibility that the cold has a mild to moderate effect on health, especially in children, people over 65 years of age and patients with chronic diseases. However, western Santa Cruz will be under red alert, so they stressed that the entire population could be in danger.

The issuance of the red alert continues to worry provincial and national authorities, because in recent weeks the Patagonia region was hit by snowfall and low temperatures that encouraged the governor Claudio Vidal to present a decree in the Chamber of Deputies of Santa Cruz to declare the State of Climate Emergency.

The 19 provinces that will be affected by the alerts (SMN)

According to information obtained by Patagonia24In the project, they stressed that the measure would be exceptional, since the weather conditions caused regions to be disconnected due to the impossibility of transit on some provincial routes. In addition to pointing out the consequences that this had on the daily lives of citizens, they raised the possibility that the weather conditions could affect the management of the area’s essential resources.

In recent days, the Route 3 suffered several cuts in different sections due to the accumulation of snow, which caused trucks transporting food and medicine to be unable to enter Land of Fire. One of the detected outages occurred in Comodoro Rivadavia, where the cleaning of the road was delayed due to the lack of machinery.

The phenomenon was recorded in the surroundings of the city of Mar del Plata (X: @germanlagrasta)

In parallel, in the Santa Cruz towns of Three Hills and Saint Julian Problems with overhangs were also reported, a weather phenomenon known as a strong wind that affects the visibility of the route. According to The diary of the end of the worldThis would cause drivers to lose their sense of direction, so traffic was cut off as a precautionary measure.

On the other hand, in line with what was reported by Radio 3the government of Chubut The Climate and Livestock Emergency was declared after they indicated that at least 50% of the province’s sheep could die as a result of the extreme cold. Prior to this, the Chubut Rural Federation presented a claim in which they indicated that the accumulation of snow made it impossible to feed the animals and transport them to other areas.

The Government confirmed the creation of crisis committees to assist the most affected areas of the country (Ministry of Security)

“We are going to establish an extraordinary budget, in the short term it will be executed through the Ministry of Production,” explained the president. Ignacio Torres stressing that “it is very important for Patagonia” to provide assistance and protect agricultural production.

In the province of Buenos Aires, during the early hours of the morning, snowfall was reported in several towns near the Buenos Aires coast, among them, Mountains of the Fathers and Fuller. Furthermore, according to the testimony of several of the inhabitants, some sort of snowflakes were seen falling in the surroundings of Mar del Plata.

Rural producers warned about the impossibility of feeding animals (Courtesy: Diario Jornada)

Hours earlier, the meteorological service had extended the alert for snowfall, because the meteorological phenomenon is expected to develop during the early hours of Saturday. The condition would mutate into showers and would remain in that state for the rest of the day, while the thermometer will oscillate between a minimum of 5 degrees and a maximum of 8 degrees.

SMN authorities stressed that low temperatures could cause health complications for residents, so they issued a series of recommendations to avoid putting themselves at risk. They also stressed the importance of going to the doctor if mood swings or discomfort are detected.

  • Do not expose yourself to the cold for long periods of time.
  • Dress in many layers of light clothing.
  • Generate body heat through movement.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (not alcoholic beverages).
  • Pay attention to children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases.
  • Do not self-medicate if you are affected by the cold, but consult a doctor.
  • No smoking indoors.
  • Heating environments safely.
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