How the deputies of Neuquén and Río Negro voted Profit and Law Bases

The government of Javier Milei achieved approval in Deputies of the Base Law, the fiscal package and the most discussed articles on the Income and Personal Assets tax. Although the results show relatively comfortable majoritiesin some cases had to leave reforms behind, which will surely be taken up again later with new specific laws.

The Base Law 147 positive votes, 107 negative and two abstentions. The initiative La Libertad Avanza was supported by the PRO, the UCR, the bulk of Hacemos Coalición Federal, Innovación Federal, most of the Civic Coalition and other minority forces.

They voted against the Union for the Fatherland bloc, the five members of the Left Front, the two socialist deputies from Santa Fe (Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulón) and Natalia De la Sota from Hacemos Coalición Federal. Sergio Acevedo (For Santa Cruz) and Mónica Frade (Civic Coalition) abstained.

In the replacement of the fourth category of Profits, the distribution was similar, but with greater fragmentation into blocks of the dialogue opposition such as the UCR.

This chapter, which requires taxing salary income exceeding 1,800,000 pesos again, was approved with 136 positive votes, 116 negative votes and three abstentions.

Bases and Profits Law: how the Neuquén deputies voted

The majority of representatives of the province of Neuquén in the House of Representatives voted in favor of the Ley Bases. There were 3 votes in favor and 2 against.

Those who voted in favor were Pablo Cervi (UCR), Nadia Marquez (Freedom Advances) and Osvaldo Llancafilo (MPN). Those who voted against were Tania Bertoldi and Pablo Toderoboth from Union por la Patria.

In the case of the Fiscal package that included Profits Pablo Cervi voted in favor, as did Nadia Márquez. Osvaldo Llancafilo, Tania Bertoldi and Pablo Todero voted against.

Bases and Profits Law: how the deputies of Río Negro voted

In the case of the province of Río Negro, the deputies also endorsed the Base Law by a majority, by four votes in favor and one against. Lorraine Villaverde (Freedom Advances), Sergio Capozzi (PRO), Hannibal Tortoriello (PRO) and Agustín Sunday (Federal Innovation) gave their affirmative vote. The only representative from Rio Negro who voted against was Martín Soria (Union for the Homeland).

With respect to ProfitsLorena Villaverde, Sergio Capozzi and Anibal Tortoriello voted in favor. Martin Soria and Augustin Domingo voted against.

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