seven years in prison for a man for raping an eight-year-old girl

seven years in prison for a man for raping an eight-year-old girl
seven years in prison for a man for raping an eight-year-old girl

DIARIO HUARPE does not name the accused in order to protect the physical and mental integrity of the victim, an eight-year-old girl, with whom he had a family relationship. If you know of any case of sexual abuse against minors, report it to 911 or to the nearest police station, you can also go to the Anivi prosecutor’s office in Jáchal or San Juan.

The Jáchal Court sentenced a man on Friday, June 28, 2024, for raping his partner’s daughter, a girl of just eight years old. The defendant accepted a sentence of seven years in prison for the crimes of sexual abuse with carnal access and threats, according to judicial sources from the Second District of the Judicial Branch of San Juan.

The man, after accepting the abbreviated version, will go directly to the Provincial Penitentiary Service. The individual, who had no previous criminal record, accepted having committed the crimes of seriously outrageous sexual abuse; sexual abuse with carnal access; coercive threats in real competition to the detriment of the girl, as the criminally responsible author.

The abbreviated trial agreement was carried out between the prosecutor of the Second District, Sohar Alfredo Aballay, and the official defender Franklin Sánchez, whose agreement was approved by Judge Eduardo Vega. Prosecutor Aballay investigated the incident together with assistant prosecutors Patricio Díaz and Yanina Peri.

The facts

The outrages occurred in a house in a rural area of ​​Jáchal. The accused and now convicted groped his eight-year-old victim on several occasions prior to the rape. The aberrant events always occurred when both the perpetrator and the victim were left alone in their mother’s home.

On the day of the rape, which occurred between November and December 2023, the accused entered the room where the girl was and locked the door. Next, he told the girl that he “was going to play with her.” Upon noticing that the accused locked the door, the victim began to scream without getting anyone’s help. It was just at that moment when the condemned man took her and accessed her carnally.

After finishing the aberration, the accused, before leaving the room, told the minor not to say anything because he was going to kill her and her family and that the girl was going to regret what he was going to do.

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