“It is healing to know that what happened to me is useful to others”

“It is healing to know that what happened to me is useful to others”
“It is healing to know that what happened to me is useful to others”

As one of the journalists with a long career in TN and El Trece, where he also hosts the show Cuestión de Peso – from which he had to be absent due to hoarseness -, Mario Massaccesi will arrive in San Juan for the first time with the initiative Let go to be happytomorrow, at the Franklin Rawson Museum. And he will not be alone, as he will be accompanied by the Uruguayan by birth and Argentine by adoption Patricia Daleiro, psychologist and master coach, who was his teacher during his studies as an ontological coach.

In dialogue with DIARIO DE CUYO, the 58-year-old communicator born in Río Cuarto (Córdoba) referred to the initiative of going on stage with this production based on the first book, which is in its ninth edition Soltar para ser feliz (2020) – predecessor of Saltar al buen vivir (2021) and Salir de los miedos (2023)-; the way in which he carries out TV and theater in parallel, his tragic childhood and the decision to heal, which allowed him to “move forward”, as the host said who anticipated what is coming.

– What is it like to move between the whirlwind of TV and the liberating essence of theater?
– On TV you can’t see people, but in the theatre you can. So I had to get out of one mental model and open another, get out of the rhythm and the whirlwind of open TV, which doesn’t correspond to life or theatre. In the theatre it was hard for me to find a climax, silences, talking with the body and giving rise to the other person’s ending, which doesn’t exist on TV. In the first performances I thought I was Gardel until my friends told me that I wasn’t surprising because I was the same one on TV.

– How did you do it?
– I was breaking down and breaking down, I learned a lot from Patricia. I thought I was going to be her teacher, I ended up learning from her. I had to fire the driver to make way for that man who is talking on a stage.

– What will the people of San Juan see?
– What we do with Patricia, who is the co-author, is break the fourth wall. We achieved a dialogue between all of us who are there, including the technicians. We are all in tune with rethinking and redesigning ourselves. There is a back and forth with a lot of laughter, which is very liberating; some tears and very powerful questions. But what caught our attention was what a psychologist friend Marcelo Brodsky observed, that in the audience there are sighs “in which a lot of kilos go away,” as he told us.

– Are you already thinking about what comes next?
– Yes. The thing is that the word “let go” is very powerful and there is a great need to get rid of burdens. So, the debate is whether this works and does good. Why leave it? And on the other hand, there is the question: When will we challenge ourselves to something new? And that is where we thought about doing something with “Getting Out of Fears.”

– When and how did this flooding of the theatres take place?
– We have been spinning around the interior for 4 years. It was born by chance from our book Letting go to be happy, which emerged during a pandemic and became a best seller. A hungry producer always appears and offers you something more and he told me: “The people who make these types of books that work so well, then put their work into the theater.” And I liked that of putting body and soul into what we had written, the commitment was greater. And we never imagined all this. Thank goodness we dared to open this door because we didn’t know what was behind it.

– Were you also letting go of what no longer served you?
– Mine started when I was 33 years old. I knew I had to leave a lot of things behind to move forward.

– Did you feel trapped?
– I felt uncomfortable and burdened with things I didn’t deserve, such as guilt, fear, shame, unresolved pasts, silences… Living with that burden is not possible, it was long before television.

– Was it when you found out that your aunt was actually your sister?
– When I found out about my aunt, it was about ten years ago. She had already worked a lot with me and allowed me to take this without tragedy. Yes, she hit me, because she couldn’t believe my mom had done that. But then I thought about what she couldn’t do because of family pressure. She had a very ugly story with her four brothers: they were left alone when their parents died of yellow fever and they were all given away, they never saw each other again. She was only reunited with a sister years later. So, it was difficult for her to start a family, the only thing she could have in her life until she died. And my dad was a grumpy and complainer, good as hell, the only thing he saw were obstacles and he lived frustrated until he died at 95 years old.

– As a child he experienced a dramatic event. Could you overcome that?
– That is the great mastery. What happened to me is not good, I don’t want anyone to go through a traumatic situation like that.

– Did you ever tell it?
– It was horrible. But I don’t want to tell it so as not to expose the child he suffered. Yes, I want to tell what I did from that suffering child. Since I was not cared for nor did I know how to take care of myself, my role is not to expose him because he needs to be “tapped down.”

– Is it possible to get out of that pain?
– It is possible to get out of the suffering that pain generates. When the suffering ends, the enjoyment begins. You have to click, it is not a task for a few but an achievement for many.

– When did your healing process begin?
– One day, I saw that I had to do something for myself and I started. And, in 2016, when I was already achieving it, I started talking about it without knowing that a lot of opportunities would come. It is healing to know that what happened to me helps others. I can’t believe that what carried me and crushed me is the little boat that takes me to other places.

– Is all this incredible to you?
– It’s like being trapped in a nutshell and making a boat out of that nut.

– In addition to breaking with social mandates…
– My life plan never corresponded to social mandates. I never saw myself in a relationship, that’s why I never got married and I never became a father. At home I am the only single person, the one who doesn’t have children, the one who left, the one who completed a university degree and has a public life. But nobody reproached me for anything.

– What reflection do you make of your personal and professional achievements?
– I look at it as a “You’ve made it.” Everything that’s happening to me right now is what I’ve been working towards for years. And when I have a problem or have to get up early for tours, I can stop being upset because that’s what I always wanted to have. And I’m happy that I chose to do Cuestión de peso too, because I feel like a piece of a big puzzle to which I can contribute something.

The function will be in the central room of the Franklin Rawson Museum (Liberator 862 west). Entrance: $12,000 online in entranceweb.com and tomorrow at the box office.

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