Cuba is a country of great importance to the world • Workers

Cuba is a country of great importance to the world • Workers
Cuba is a country of great importance to the world • Workers

“Cuba is a country of great importance, not only for the Caribbean, but also for the world,” said Dennis Francis, president of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations, this Friday afternoon, upon being received at the Palace of the Revolution by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

Photo: Revolución Studies

In his words, the prominent diplomat also recognized the many common themes to be addressed, and how much more can still be “conversed and learned about the great Cuban people and Cuban culture.”

During the exchange, which took place in the context of his official visit to the Island, the Cuban Head of State recognized the work he has carried out during his mandate and wished him success in the months of work that lie ahead.

In this sense, he stressed the importance of the issues that have been promoted because, “both multilateralism and solidarity are things that we must impose in the world, they are needs that the complexity of the relationships we live in today demands,” regarding everything, he said, in the post-pandemic panorama, which reliably demonstrates the need to defend both aspects.

And in this endeavour, the dignitary confirmed: “the United Nations can count on Cuba.”

Photo: Revolución Studies

Particularly regarding the ties that the Greater Antilles maintains with Trinidad and Tobago, the country of origin of the President of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations, Díaz-Canel reiterated the “political will to continue strengthening and expanding relations.” .

After welcoming the visitor once again, the Cuban president highlighted the intensity of the work carried out by the delegation since its arrival on the Caribbean island, while highlighting the keynote speech given by the diplomat this Friday at the University of Havana.

Minutes after the pleasant exchange, in which the member of the Political Bureau and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, also participated in statements to the Press Team of the Presidency, Dennis Francis admitted to being “impressed” with this his second visit to Cuba. The first, he recalled, took place some 20 years ago.

He spoke with particular satisfaction about “the warmth and hospitality of the Cuban people” as well as the “importance that Cuba places on the family, which is something that we also share in my country.”

Photo: Revolution Studios

According to his words, the work he has done for several years alongside Cuban diplomats has allowed him to be “very familiar with Cuban policies in many areas related to multilateralism.”

In this regard, he stressed how “Cuba has long defended multilateral relations and multilateralism, and how it has also represented many of the most valuable parts of the United Nations and has worked to promote international peace and security, human rights, development, children’s rights, compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals and many other issues.”

He described his meeting with the Cuban President as a “great pleasure,” in which context he reaffirmed the importance of “the ties of cooperation and friendship that have defined relations between the United Nations and Cuba for many decades.”

Photo: Revolución Studies

It has been a pleasure, he stressed, to explore the future, given the challenges we are facing in the International System and to move forward.

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