The repair of the Santa Fe Terminal street has a date and budget

The internal road of the Bus Terminal in the city of Santa Fe is in ruins. The large holes, potholes and sinkholes make it almost impassable. The natural wear and tear caused by the intense use of the road due to the passage of long and medium distance buses that pass through it daily has caused it to break. Therefore, it needs urgent restoration so that the Terminal can continue to operate and thus avoid traffic accidents and breakdowns in the units.

With this objective, the Municipality of Santa Fe carried out studies to prepare the bidding documents for the repair of Terminal Street. These specifications are now ready, with the number of sectors to be repaired and amounts of money to invest. All that remains is for the work to be tendered and awarded to solve it.

Almost impassable. This is how the internal street of the Terminal looks today. Mauricio Garín.

The news is that the tender has a date: it will be next Wednesday, July 17. That day, the companies that intend to repair the street will be known. Then, the Municipality will have to evaluate the offers and decide who will do it. The tender documents also specified that the deadline to finish the work in its entirety will be 75 days, once it begins. It was also reported that the amount to be invested by the Municipality amounts to approximately $360 million.

“The resolution for the call for tenders is coming out these days,” said Felipe Franco, Municipal Secretary of Urban Development. “We hope that the economic offers to carry out the work are in accordance with the cost of the work,” he added.

“Until now, all the tenders we have done had offers in line with the official budget, so we hope to continue along those same lines,” the official mentioned, in dialogue with El Litoral.

The problem of potholes in Santa Fe is recurrent. Do you have one nearby? Add it to the map.

The company that is awarded the work must repair more than 170 pavement panels of different sizes and seal joints, fissures and cracks. It will involve the breaking and removal of the pavement panels, the movement of soils, the construction of a subbase of controlled density fill (RDC) – which is a leveling concrete that is placed after the compaction of the soil and then materialized on that layer the concrete block -, the reconstruction of the concrete panels and the sealing of joints, fissures and cracks, as detailed. There are approximately 2000 square meters of concrete pavement.

While waiting for the road to be repaired, buses must continue to circulate through the area with extreme caution and avoid the large potholes that exist.

Finally, it is worth remembering that last year the Municipality of Santa Fe reopened the Terminal building after carrying out a thorough restoration and modernisation. However, the maintenance works did not include the internal street, which is essential for the operation of the service. The promise now of this new administration is that it will be in good condition by the summer.

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