Chaco: due to the lack of buses, the city of Sáenz Peña would enable the bus service

Chaco: due to the lack of buses, the city of Sáenz Peña would enable the bus service
Chaco: due to the lack of buses, the city of Sáenz Peña would enable the bus service

When the third parties’ hearing failed, the conflict intensified and it has now been more than 65 days without essential service for users. The municipality of the Chaco city could apply a state transportation system.

Today 07:19

“It is impossible to sustain this type of contributions, we are not in a position to continue providing resources to a highly deficient company”municipal sources stated after the failure of the third hearing before the courts to try to get the urban passenger transport service working again.

Based on what happened at the last hearing, it can be anticipated that the purchase of rapid transport units with a capacity of about 14 people is being considered, in order to provide a solution to the demand of users who need a service of this nature and, above all, to avoid congestion of motorcycles in the city centre.

After waiting for more than sixty days, the bus users of this city, in the third hearing called by Judge Rodolfo Lineras, due to the lack of public passenger transportation, the owner of Line 1, Julián Vilar, did not He accepted the various opportunities offered by the lawyers who represented the Municipality, so that the conflict could be unblocked.

Given the encouraging forecasts that were given in the hearings, and that were not at all considered by the bus company, the same judge who dealt with the case, urged the mayor, Bruno Cipolini, to present a new scheme at the end of the conflict. . And from within the Municipality, an alternative is already being considered to be able to provide bus service, as a “Plan B”.

In conclusion, Diario Norte de Chaco reports, and after the third hearing, it was confirmed that the future of urban passenger transport, at least with the current company “San Roque”, is uncertain, as stated by the parties that participated in the meeting held last Tuesday in the First Criminal Court of this city.

The combis
In the meeting in which all the parties involved in the intention to reestablish the urban bus, which provides Line 1, participated, they did not reach an agreement, due to the closed dialogue on the part of the owner of the company, in the person of Julián Vilar, who did not agree with the points that the Municipality’s lawyers brought up at the last meeting,” said the president of the Municipal Council, Nora Gauna.

Given all this refusal by Julián Vilar, among other points that were offered, the Municipality will surely look for an alternative for the provision of public transport services. And in the immediate future, the acquisition or purchase of “combis” to replace traditional buses” referred to the president of the Council. But everything will be a matter of doing it through the corresponding legal channels, in taking out credits and other procedures that will surely be sent to the body,” she explained.

The voice of the partners
Furthermore, among the points that the legal representatives of the Municipality presented before Judge Lineras, for the immediate reactivation of passenger transportation, was a public-private company, where the majority of the shares would be held by the businessman Vilar, but it was something that The owner of the buses flatly ruled it out. The lawyers said that “it would be another benefit for the exit, adding to all the others that were already offered and that with a kind of partnership, the Municipality would take charge of less than 50% of the company’s shares.

And all with a future contract until the route is reactivated normally, and it could even be extinguished, once normality arrives not only in the provision of the service, but also in the payment of salaries for each of the employees of the company. company,” the lawyers offered.

For their part, the employee delegates who participated in the hearings were surprised and outraged by the employer’s attitude of intransigence, by not taking advantage of the opportunities offered for the return of the buses and, above all, that the themselves can collect their salaries,” said Miguel Villalba.

However, with all these benefits, Vilar himself did not consider that it was something that could help him, and that was when he ended the meeting.

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