A summer in 26 – Escambray

A summer in 26 – Escambray
A summer in 26 – Escambray

Starting this June 29, an extensive program will be developed in Sancti Spíritus that includes more than 1,000 cultural, recreational and sports activities.

Ancón beach once again concentrates expectations this summer.

With the joy of hosting the central activities for the 71st anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks, the people of Sancti Spiritus also celebrate the beginning of summer 2024; a stage that, despite the complex context of the country, will be superior to that of the previous year in organization and diversity of proposals.

Starting on June 29, municipalities, neighborhoods and communities will be launching a comprehensive program that includes more than 1,000 cultural, recreational and sports activities.

According to information provided at the preparatory meeting for the summer stage in Sancti Spíritus, which was chaired by Deivy Pérez Martin, member of the Central Committee and First Secretary of the Party in the province, as well as other government officials and political organizations in the territory, this will be a summer of 26, so each of the activities must be distinguished by enthusiasm and the accompaniment of propaganda that indicates the important historical event.

“Given how difficult it is nowadays to get out of remote places,” Pérez Martín pointed out, “especially in the company of family, it is necessary that summer be a neighborhood, block, community event, and recreation must be brought to these places, relying on local talents, to bring joy to our people.”

In this regard, the impact and acceptance of the Theatrical Crusade, which travels to around 60 communities during July and August, was discussed. It is a proposal that involves adults and children and brings joy through the different artistic manifestations that it promotes, mainly theatre.

The beginning of summer in Sancti Spíritus was preceded by a festival that covered several spaces in the main city, as well as the evening of books, which every year opens the curtains of the summer stage and which on this occasion held more than 20 presentations of texts by important figures of literature.

Likewise, dances and concerts are taking place in the municipal capitals with local and national groups, such as Buena Fe, which will liven up the summer this Saturday in Trinidad.

The main city, for example, will deploy multiple proposals ranging from the dance by Sonora Trinitaria in the park of Jesús de Nazareno, children’s activities in the area of ​​Coppelia, El Recreo, the pizzeria, Los Caballitos, La Vallita; as well as in El Bosque and in the Botanical Garden, recreation centers that will feature the presence of cultural projects such as La Colmenita, as well as clowns and other artists linked to the José Martí Brigade of Art Instructors, who together with Inder, Culture and Gastronomy will make the activities more attractive.

As Pérez Martín stated, summer belongs to everyone and no space can be left without recreation: parks, beaches on both coasts, camping facilities, tourist and accommodation units, swimming pools and bathing areas approved in municipalities, discos, cultural plazas, agricultural fairs, museums, theaters, video rooms and sports facilities must operate systematically.

Finally, he insisted that it is necessary to regulate prices and achieve greater organization. State entities and new forms of management will join healthy recreation, as long as they have their projects declared and authorized by the commission that controls each offer.

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