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Public employment: 3,000 workers are able to retire in La Rioja

Public employment: 3,000 workers are able to retire in La Rioja

The Undersecretary of Human Capital Caros Medina explained that in some cases there is a delay in personnel starting the retirement procedures: “the obligation arises from the law itself. The law establishes the terms and conditions under which the agent ends his administrative career when he reaches the years of service and the age established by law and is able to retire.

In this sense, he indicated that in the central public administration and the municipalities of the interior of La Rioja there are around 3,000 people in a position to retire, who are already older and older. “It is not a witch hunt or a persecution, but rather giving shape to compliance with something established, which is the law that establishes the requirements to retire.”

Regarding the quincenita, he clarified that it will continue to be maintained for 6 years: “andThis government administration has stated it from the beginning, that all people who retire have the value of the insured quincenita incorporated into their retirement at the moment they retire, exactly today it is 50,000 pesos and it has been announced that starting in June It is 70,000 pesos. For 6 years, the government has established this additional support for the value of the retirement granted by ANSES.”

In this sense, agents must accredit within the aforementioned period before the Undersecretary of Human Capital Management, dependent on the Secretariat of Public Finances of the Ministry of Treasury and Public Finance, the start of the relevant procedure before the pension agency since it is an essential requirement. present to ANSES the Certification of Services and Remunerations issued by said organization.

Likewise, they reported that for specific advice, facilitation in the management of the required administrative procedures, you can approach the Undersecretary of Pension Management, located in the Provincial Administrative Center, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

If you have any questions or queries, call 4453190 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday to Friday.

With information from Radio La Red

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