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President of the Democratic Center party visited Pasto

During his visit to the city of Pasto, the president of the Democratic Center party in Colombia, Gabriel Vallejo, told DIARIO DEL SUR that “since we assumed the leadership of the party, today an opposition party to the National Government, since the first of April, we made a decision and that is to go out and explore Colombia.”

He added that “the department of Nariño is a very important department for the country, but also for the Democratic Center, we came to motivate our bases to tell them that this party is here despite the difficulties we have had in the last electoral exercises, this “The game today is more alive than ever.”

Likewise, Vallejo said that “we come to evaluate the different situations, to do an exercise in self-criticism, also to review where we have made mistakes, how to correct the course, that is why we invite the general public, the Uribistas, the militants to “All those people who believe in these theses, who believe that security is important to avoid feeling the fear generated by kidnappings, terrorist attacks, extortion, but who also believe that it is necessary to have a climate of trust to generate employment.”

They talk about the country

He also stated that “that employment generated by the small, the medium, the micro-entrepreneur, the large entrepreneur, because in the end the best social policy without a doubt the generation of employment, but also to address the different social problems and social difficulties that a department has like the department of Nariño where there is still poverty and extreme poverty.”

Finally, he stated that “we come here to talk about the country, to talk about the party, to encourage and say what we are going to do to start the reconstruction of Colombia, which has been suffering an accelerated deterioration of what we have built as a country for 200 years, what we have “Our ancestors, our grandparents, our parents made it with so much effort, today we are seeing how they are destroying it in an accelerated manner.”

He added that “that is why we believe that the theses of the Democratic Center party today are more necessary than ever and in the end that is what we come to do in the department of Nariño, to announce that on July 13 we will have municipal conventions in more than 900 municipalities from Colombia, of course many of them in this region to organize our management cadres that will face the 2026 electoral process, with a sole purpose to prevent Gustavo Petro’s failed political project from continuing in power.”

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