a film that sweeps the world charts and breaks all records

The movie Dramatic and romantic, especially for when you don’t know what to choose, it is also the perfect plan to watch on the weekend.

With a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes, the movie of Netflix It is available in the catalog from November 18, 2023.


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Netflix: what the movie I’ll Wait for You on Venus is about

The movie of Netflix focuses its story on Mía (Virginia Gardner) and Kyle (Alex Aiono), a couple of friends who decide to travel to Spain to heal their broken hearts, and also to search for her biological mother. The surprising thing is that both will find love where they least expected it…


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Cast of I’ll Wait for You on Venus, Netflix movie

  • Virginia Gardner (Mine)
  • Alex Aiono (Kyle)
  • Veronica del Cerro (Lisa)
  • Rob Estes (Connor)
  • Alex Astort-Fabra (Josh)
  • Marjorie E. Glantz (Mrs. Rothswell)
  • Isabel Serrano (Dr. Ortiz)
  • Cristina Artacho (my mother)

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Trailer for I’ll Wait for You on Venus, Netflix movie

Embed – Trailer | I will wait for you on Venus | Subtitled in Spanish 2023

Where to watch the movie I’ll Wait for You on Venus, according to the geographical area

  • Latin America: I will wait for you on Venus can be seen in Netflix.
  • United States: See You on Venus can be viewed at Netflix.
  • Spain: I will wait for you on Venus can be seen in Netflix.
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