It’s on Netflix and it is one of the most acclaimed and impactful films of recent years.

The fact that a film can be acclaimed by critics and the public is something that happens regularly. They tend to be those movies that you can recommend and they will never let you down. However, this changes when we talk about the horror genre that, every year, gives us a generous number of productions and that, when push comes to shove, very few manage to transcend.

But there are always exceptions. There we have the magnificent ‘It Follows’, ‘A Quiet Place’, ‘Smile’, ‘Midsommar’, ‘Pearl’ or ‘Us’ by the always interesting Jordan Peele, one of the most underrated films of recent years that we will never get tired of. to claim.

Precisely, a series of new voices have managed to revitalize this genre, coining that snobbish term “elevated horror.” One of these names who have coined this new concept with their cinema is the aforementioned Jordan Peele, who surprised everyone with ‘Let Me Out’, his terrifying debut with which he obtained four Oscar nominations, and another is Ari Aster, author of one of the most acclaimed and impactful films in recent years.


‘Hereditary’, which you have available on Netflix, is the supernatural horror film starring Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff and Milly Shapiro. They are the Graham family who, after the death of their grandmother and matriarch who bequeaths her house to her daughter Annie, witness how strange things begin to happen inside the house. Annie Graham, a married gallery owner with two children, did not have a very happy childhood with her mother, and she believes that her death can make her turn the page. But everything gets complicated when her youngest daughter begins to see ghostly figures.

As we pointed out in Fotogramas’ review of ‘Hereditary’, it is an “original, amazing and perfect in every sense” film. And it is “amazing in its way of sliding through the gaps between what is lived and what is dreamed; the supernatural threat and that of the cracked mind; what is inherited and what is acquired; real space and mental space… But what What makes it a unique and sublime work are its images of horror, images that are not terrifying because they are macabre or fortuitous, but because they seem to connect with something deep and dark that completely escapes us.”


And if our review wasn’t enough to convince you, at least pay attention to good old Martin Scorsese, who declared himself a fan of ‘Hereditary’. A high-class compliment from a legend who has signed some of the best films in the history of cinema.

Headshot of Jorge Fernández Mencías

Jorge is an expert in movies, series and comics. His favorite genres are horror and science fiction, the perfect balance between the thunderous scream of the slasher and the disturbing silence of space and, although he flirts with auteur cinema in search of that hidden gem far from the mainstream, he does not hide, His thing is commercial cinema from Marvel, Star Wars, DC and Pixar.

This restless journalist discovered the mysticism of ‘Twin Peaks’ a few years ago and, since then, it has been just another concept trapped inside David Lynch’s head. When he manages to escape from the Black Lodge, he revisits the filmography of the master Carpenter, loses himself again between the pages of Moore and Gibbons’ ‘Watchmen’ or sets out in search of new emotions in miniseries format.

After his brief stint in media such as TVE, RNE and the TV and communication section of La Razón, Jorge has spent more than a decade in the delirious world of advertising agencies, where he has had the opportunity to be part of various communication teams. which have allowed him to participate in soirees, events, junkets and various efforts with performers of the stature of Antonio de la Torre, Jared Harris, Kim Dickens, Colman Domingo and Christina Hendricks. He arrived at FOTOGRAMAS in 2022, where he managed to carve out a niche as an editor to write about the most popular series, the best Alfred Hitchcock films or everything related to franchises, reboots, prequels, sequels, sequels and various nonsense of the moment, returning from This forms his passion for journalism and cinema.

Jorge has a degree in journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid, in addition to being a director from the RTVE Institute, where he acquired notions of pre-production, production and post-production of audiovisuals.

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