With just one phrase The Acolyte redefines the history of the great Star Wars villains

With just one phrase The Acolyte redefines the history of the great Star Wars villains
With just one phrase The Acolyte redefines the history of the great Star Wars villains

The new Star Wars series has created its own safe space to expand on the Star Wars mythology without contradicting its canon.

One of the great geniuses of star wars saga is your ability to create a living mythology, in which new ideas are constantly discovered that transform our perspective on elements that we thought were immovable. This ability has been demonstrated with the premiere of the prequels, the animated series, the sequels and, now, with the new Disney+ series. In recent weeks, with the premiere of The Acolyteit seems that There is no week without one of these small canon revisions. This also applies to this week’s new episode and the true identity of your villain.

Spoiler alert: This article contains plot details for the fifth episode of The Acolyte, Night.

I have accepted my darkness

“I have no name, but Jedi like you you could call me Sith“. With just that phrase, Qimir not only links himself to the long tradition of rivals of the Jedi in the use of the Force, but also begins to raise among fans a lot of new doubts about the history of these followers of the Dark Side. Since the beginning of The Acolyte the series has added nuances to the nature of the Jedi. In the first three episodes it is shown that the Jedi are extremely strict about who and how can use the Force, and with the fifth episode comes the turn to redefine the history of the Sith a little.

Since the beginning of The Acolyte the series has added nuances to the nature of the Jedi

After weeks of speculation about the identity of the mysterious villain of The Acolyte, his face has finally been revealed: Qimir, who confirms to Master Sol that he is a Sith. This revelation not only confirms many fan theories, but also raises new questions about the Sith and their place in the Star Wars chronology.

In just a few hours since the episode premiered, with his lightsaber moves, described as some of the most brutal seen in Star Wars, or the design of his helmet, Qimir has quickly become one of the new favorite characters among fans. However, the revelation that is looking for an “acolyte” to be his apprentice has led some to speculate that Qimir is, in fact, a Sith apprentice in search of his own ward. This suggests that we might not have seen the real villain yet.

Redefining the history of the Sith

Qimir suggests that the “Sith” label is an imposition of the Jedi, more than an identity that he himself claims. This changes what we thought we knew about the Sith. According to Qimir, the word “Sith” seems more an insult than a religion he follows. This raises all sorts of questions: Do all Sith see themselves as defined by the boundaries set by the Jedi Order? Are there different currents of thought, cults and groups of Force users within the Sith? Are all Dark Side users Sith?

Qimir suggests that the label “Sith” is an imposition by the Jedi, rather than an identity he himself claims.

In The Phantom Menace, Ki-Adi-Mundi (protagonist of last week’s controversy) mentions that the Sith have been “extinct” for at least a thousand years. The Acolyte takes place just a century before that time, and Qimir uses the word “Sith.” However, even if Qimir fully accepts this label, he has not formed a complete Sith identity because he does not have an apprentice, something that seemed to be a requirement already well established in the Star Wars mythology. The mention of him seeking a ward alludes to that tradition, but it is strange that Qimir identifies as Sith only from the Jedi perspective and not as an identity of his own that he directly links to.

Qimir also makes it clear that the only way to keep his secret is to kill any Jedi who discover his identity. “If they see my face, they all die.” This line can be interpreted as a way to preserve the canon and throughout the series he justifies why years later no one has known of the existence of the Sith in the galaxy: If Qimir kills all the Jedi he finds, then everything Yoda and Ki-Adi-Mundi know is still valid at the time of the prequels. However, Ki-Adi-Mundi is not on this mission and the Jedi Council does not even know what has happened on this planet. In this way, The Acolyte has created a safe narrative space, where new pieces of information about the Sith and the Jedi can be revealed without changing canon.

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