El Francotirarock and sea views…of canvas – El Francotirarock

El Francotirarock and sea views…of canvas – El Francotirarock
El Francotirarock and sea views…of canvas – El Francotirarock

The story of the Airbnb apartment with sea views that turned out to be a painted tarp scam is a tragicomic reflection of the deceptions in the modern world of online booking. The news broke when Clarisa, a woman who had rented an apartment in Italy, discovered that The promised sea views were nothing more than an illusion created by a painted canvas. As Clavero related, “News that you broke yesterday… Rent on AirB&B an apartment with sea views and it turns out that the views were a painted canvas… Sorry, but that should be called an “apartment”“.

Clavero does not skimp on describing the situation with a touch of satire and a pinch of indignation. “You can tell that the scam is related to the sea because that is not a scam, it is a rudder!“he exclaims, highlighting the maritime nature of the deception. This joke is just one of many that he uses to highlight the seriousness of the fraud without losing his particular tone.”It’s a very ugly scam, in fact, I call it the tuna scam because it’s not pretty!” he continues, underscoring the ugliness of the act with a comparison that is both literal and metaphorical.

The hoax itself is simple but effective: a canvas painted with a seascape placed in an interior courtyard to simulate ocean views. According to Francotirarock, Clarisa, when she looked out the window, found the deceptive scene and could not help but exclaim: “my mother! How is the patio“. Surprise and disappointment were mixed with the involuntary humor of the situation, something that Clavero does not fail to highlight. “I thought I was on the Italian coast and I’m in La Que se Avecina!! They gave me mortadella for salami!!!“he describes, using the comparison with a popular television series to emphasize the contrast between expectations and reality.

Clarisa’s reaction is understandable. Faced with such a scam, one finds oneself in a dilemma: “And what are you doing? Are you staying, are you leaving? You see the canvas and a sea of ​​doubts enters you!!“says Clavero, perfectly capturing the uncertainty that anyone in that situation would feel. Our comedian finds the joke easy when he suggests that Clarisa could say that she could see “Lonaisland” from her window.

The monologist also points out deceptive practices in general. “Of all this, what disturbs me the most is that the scammer knows that the tenant is going to discover the scam as soon as he looks out the window… and he sweats it!!“, he comments, pointing out the impudence of the scammer. This carefree attitude in the face of the inevitable discovery of the scam is comparable to other everyday situations of disappointment, such as when “On the milk carton it says open easy and you have to end up biting it open and it sucks!“.

Clavero expands his criticism to other areas where expectations and reality do not coincide, and where the indifference of those who cause the deception is palpable. From broken political promises to misleading gym advertising, his commentary is an indictment of the lack of integrity and honesty that seems to permeate many aspects of modern life.

Finally, Clavero reflects on the blame on consumers for being overconfident or naïve when making online reservations. “It’s our fault, you book an apartment with sea views online, because everything has to do with the SEA and then it’s a painted canvas…“he admits, suggesting that part of the responsibility lies with those who accept the promises without questioning them.

Remember that you can listen to Francotirarock every day starting at 8:50 on ‘El Pirata y su banda’. If you miss it you can always continue watching the best moments of Álex Clavero on the RockFM website. Press play and let the jokes begin with the string of jokes that the comedian from Valladolid brings us every day! Don’t forget to share it on social networks if you liked the section and if you’re not much of a social networker, don’t worry, you can also recommend it by word of mouth.

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