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With the participation of the Secretary of Communication of the CTA-T, Enrique Rositto; the director of Radio Germán Abdala and of the program El Agujero del Mate of ATE Capital, Walter Britez; the secretary and undersecretary of Communication, Press and Diffusion of UTE, Paula Galigniana and Natalia Militi, respectively; by AGTSyP, the undersecretary of Framework, Jorge Mendez and Julieta Guarnieri, technician in Social Communication, press worker of the Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers, a meeting was held with the objective of taking the first step in the formation of a Federal Network of Trade Union Radios of the Central of Workers of Argentina.

One of the promoters of the initiative, director of Radio Germán Abdala and the program El Agujero del Mate of ATE Capital, Walter Britez, expressed: “Very happy because this is a dream. We saw that other systems, other media work in a corporate, united way. Well, we fulfilled the dream of bringing together the radio stations that are within the CTA, that have the same logic, that talk about the specificity of our problems, that we do not see in other media.” And I add: “It is key to understand that if we unite we are guaranteeing the visibility of our conflicts that today are totally invisible.”

Along the same lines, the Secretary of Communication, Press and Diffusion of UTE, Paula Galigniana, stated: “We have to break the siege, fundamentally. Our voice, that of the workers, made invisible in all commercial media, made invisible not even spoken in the media that have guidelines from governments and others, with which, being able to enhance our tools, our own media that put our own voice is fundamental, and at this particular juncture even more so.”

For his part, the Undersecretary of Framework of the AGTSyP, Jorge Méndez, stated: “We have been working with the radio for many years and we understand that this is a good time to meet with other colleagues who also work on the radio. And bringing the voice of the workers to the entire labour spectrum would be a very important step. We have been working with Farco and other networks for a while, but this idea of ​​joining with other union radio stations appeals to us a lot because we are all workers who speak the same language, we have the same or similar problems, so it is a very nice space and we have high expectations that this will succeed.”

Finally, the Secretary of Communication of the National CTA, Enrique Rositto, expressed: “This is a very important first step to form a larger network of radio stations, which includes the media of the unions and the different CTA-T regions throughout the country. This network will not give the possibility of breaking the media siege that the hegemonic media wants to impose, federalize the information of the Central and have channels where we can talk with colleagues from all over the country.” and concluded: “This is just the first stage. The second will consist of adding institutional programs and the third would be to have a national radio newscast.”

Source: cta.org.ar

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