Andes Salud El Loa Clinic provides key recommendations to patients to prevent and treat Hypertension – Calama en Línea

Hypertension, known as the “silent killer,” is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. representing a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

In Chile, the current rates related to this disease are quite worrying. According to statistics provided by the Ministry of Health, More than 30% of adults in the country suffer from high blood pressurea figure that has seen a significant increase in the last decade.

This upward trend is reflected in the World Health Organization (WHO) report, which indicates that 36% of Chileans suffer from this condition, exceeding the global average of 33%. And it is especially worrying that Only 71% of individuals with hypertension have been diagnosed, 59% are receiving treatment and only 34% are under adequate medical control.

In that sense, the Dr. Glaysmer Sepúlveda Cerradaleader of the Obesity and Overweight Center at Clínica Andes Salud El Loa, explains that “High blood pressure is a chronic condition that can be controlled and, in many cases, prevented with healthy lifestyle habits and appropriate medical care.“.


Below, Dr. Sepúlveda shares some key tips to prevent and treat this disease:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight is a significant risk factor for hypertension. Therefore, adopting a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help maintain an adequate weight and reduce blood pressure.
  2. Reduce salt consumption: The sodium in salt can increase blood pressure. Limiting your intake of processed foods and adding less salt to meals can help keep it under control.
  3. Practice regular exercise: Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation, which can help lower blood pressure. At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise is recommended most days of the week.
  4. Control stress: Chronic stress can raise blood pressure. Look into relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or simply spending time doing activities you enjoy to reduce stress in your daily life.
  5. Perform regular medical checkups: Early detection and appropriate treatment are essential to control hypertension. Schedule regular visits with your doctor to monitor your blood pressure and adjust treatment if necessary.

“It is important to note that high blood pressure can be asymptomatic in its initial stages, so it is crucial that the patient undergo regular medical check-ups even if you do not experience symptoms,” emphasizes Dr. Sepúlveda.

In that sense, Clínica Andes Salud El Loa is providing comprehensive care to patients with hypertension, offering accurate diagnoses, personalized treatments and continuous monitoring to guarantee good cardiovascular health.

If you have any concerns or symptoms related to blood pressure, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately, as preventing and treating hypertension is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of serious long-term complications.

Andes Salud El Loa Clinic has a team of specialists to treat this pathology. Schedule your time at 600 401 2400, on our website or in person at Avenida Granaderos 2924, Calama.

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