Dollar today, blue dollar today: how much was it quoted this Sunday, June 2

  • Wholesale dollar


  • Euro


The quotes of the digital currencies in pesos during this Sunday are the following:

He Dolar blue It closed last Friday at $1,205 for buying and $1,225 for selling.

Not all banks provide their customers with the option of invest in MEP dollar, Therefore, the first thing is to make the corresponding query to the banking entity. If this allows it, it must be taken into account that each banking company has defined hours for this type of operation, so the purchases and sales They can be reflected with a delay.

This is the step by step to buy and sell MEP through home banking:

He dollar bitcoinalso called crypto dollar either stablecoin (considered that way due to its parity with the dollar), its value increased. On the Ripio platform you can buy DAI for $1243.58

Tomorrow the exchange market resumes its activity after the weekend. Starting at 10, the Central Bank (BCRA)which controls the price of official dollar (both retail and wholesale), spreads the value of the currency. Meanwhile, the reference value of Dolar blue It is known a little later. Between 11 and 11:30 a.m., the financial institutions and caves of the City of Buenos Aires show a price of the parallel dollar

The exchange market remains closed during the weekendgetty

If a person You do not have access to the acquisition of savings dollarsit is because it is within one of these groups:

Bitcoin (BTC) It is trading today at US$67,692.69. It is the cryptocurrency most important today, and is increasingly accepted throughout the world to buy products and services.

The bank clients that they have a account in dollars You can withdraw this currency through the ATMs, following some guidelines. The first is to find out with the bank where you have the account what the points designated for the withdrawal of the account are. North American currency.

Once in the ATMthe following steps must be followed:

It must be remembered that the dollar withdrawal cannot overcome extraction limit in pesos of the card converted to Dollars to the official exchange rate of the day. Furthermore, beyond this, there are banks that establish a fixed daily limit.

On the other hand, another issue that the user must keep in mind is that it is very possible that the ATM just offer multiples of US$100 and not smaller denomination bills.

In Argentina, There are several options to obtain US currency directly and indirectly through banks, the stock market and exchange platforms. In this note from LA NACION you can consult the different current alternatives to dollarize, considering the price variants.

The value of the dollar todayTHE NATION

Ethereum (ETH), the cryptocurrency from the platform Ethereum, is trading today at US$3,777.57. This is the second digital currency with the highest market capitalization and one of the blockchain most used for DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (unique and unrepeatable digital assets, increasingly used for works of digital art).

He COUNTRY tax It is a tribute to the purchase of foreign currencywhich for this reason is included in the price of different exchange ratessuch as the dollar savings. This was increased with the devaluation promoted by the Government last December. In that sense, based on this percentage increase, The State collected more in the last four months than in all of 2023, as it earned almost $11 for every $100. This information could make it difficult to eliminate the tax – one of the promises made Javier Milei in his electoral campaign― because of the importance that this tax achieved in the tax collection.

In May, free dollars broke with the exchange rate pax of the last three months. Although the Government obtained an opinion in the Senate for the Bases law, news that had been expected for a long time, this month was marked by a scenario of increasingly lower interest rates, headwinds that came from abroad and a liquidation of the agroexporters that was lower than expected. As a result, both blue and financial stocks accumulated increases of 16% in the last 31 days. On Friday, the parallel exchange rate was sold at $1,215 in the caves and trees that operate in the pedestrian Florida. It presented a drop of $5 compared to the previous close (-0.4%), a downward trend that it registered in the last week. Read the full note in LA NACION.

Unlike the rest of the quotes, this exchange rate It is constantly active and does not stop, regardless of schedules, weekends or holidays. Accessed through platforms exchangewhere you can acquire, among other currencies, stable currencies, called stablecoins, which have parity with the dollar.

This June 2, because it is Sunday, there is no activity in the financial market and, both for the official dollar and for the blue dollar, The closing values ​​of the last business day of the week are taken as reference.

He National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) will announce the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the month of May next Thursday, June 13. Private projections anticipated that the inflation During that period it would be between 6% and 7%, below the April CPI (8.8%). In this way, the price increase would continue to show a slowdown.

Deceleration of wholesale inflation: 3.4% in April; the government, the economy

He retail dollarwhich is controlled by the Central Bank (BCRA)closed on Friday at $877.19 for buying and $934.94 for selling.


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