Vidal’s strong speech against the retirement formula proposed by the opposition

Vidal’s strong speech against the retirement formula proposed by the opposition
Vidal’s strong speech against the retirement formula proposed by the opposition


The national deputy of Pro Maria Eugenia Vidal gave a strong speech in the session where the opposition bench seeks half a sanction for a new retirement mobility formula that would go against the one used by the Government and which it established in March through a Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU). The former Buenos Aires governor maintained that the opposition seeks the “failure” of the Executive’s economic program, focused on zero deficit, by wanting to approve a law that would increase public spending. “They will say that they expanded rights, but at what cost?”, he questioned.

During his speech, in a day full of tension and last-minute deals, Vidal recalled that Unión por la Patria, in harmony with the Unión Cívica Radial, We Make Federal Coalition and Federal Innovation, are seeking to enact a law, despite the fact that six months since the arrival of Javier Milei to the Casa Rosada, and was still unable to legislate its first laws.

For the first time in 40 years, a president who takes office does not have the laws that he says he needs for his economic program. “We are already about to pass a law, with half a sanction in Deputies, that resolves this issue that was not resolved in four years, when the Government resolved a large part of its mandate adjusting for inflation,” said the provincial deputy. from Buenos Aires.

In that sense, he formulated: “In the majority opinion we are discussing whether we are going to add a 1.8% increase in GDP spending, when the Government, to achieve zero deficit, has to decrease 5%. Since the beginning of this Government, due to the measures it implemented and the efforts of all Argentines, a fiscal saving of 1.2% was achieved from December to April. That is If we vote for the majority opinion, we will spend more than the savings that Argentines achieved from December to Aprilpaying more expensive prepaid bills, the fuel tax, the consequences of the honesty of the exchange rate, more fees.”

“All this effort is not enough to pay for this recomposition that requires the majority ruling for retirees. Many will like to leave this session saying that they expanded rights, but at the cost of what? “From the efforts of all those Argentines during these months and the failure of the economic program, which is clearly tied to the fiscal anchor, to the achievement of zero deficit,” he emphasized.

“That’s why I think we have to make clear what is being discussed. Recomposition for retirees is not being discussed. Nor the recomposition of the teacher salary due to the recovery of the Fonid,” he said and added: “Today we are discussing an irresponsible way of governing, which believes that rights can be recognized without the resources being there.”.

Deputies. Session for integrated retirement and pension systemFabian Marelli

The majority opinion discussed includes an eight-point recomposition of retirement benefits due to the inflationary peak that occurred last January, which climbed to 20.6%; The Government only recognized the 12.5% in that DNU. They propose that income be updated monthly for inflation (in line with the presidential DNU) and include a clause for an additional increase to be implemented in March of each year according to the salary index. Ripte. In addition, a new minimum retirement floor, which is located above the basic basket of an older adult, which today is around a little more than $250,000.

However, the point of greatest tension between the opposition and Freedom Advances and Pro (who closed ranks together), is the insistence of incorporating a clause that contemplates the payment of the Nation’s debts with the provinces whose pension systems were not transferred to the National State, and to dispose of the assets of the National State for this purpose. Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS).

According to Office Budget congressional (OPC) this ruling, without accounting for the payment of debts to the provincial pension funds, would have a fiscal impact of 0.43% of GDP, which would go against the Government’s economic program, focused on zero deficit.


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