The conservative PP is the most voted and surpasses the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez

The conservative PP is the most voted and surpasses the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez
The conservative PP is the most voted and surpasses the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez

The conservative Popular Party would have been the most voted option in the European elections this Sunday in Spain and would get between 21 and 23 MEPs, although it could tie with the PSOE, which would get between 20 and 22according to the Sigma Dos survey for public television stations RTVE and the regional network FORTA.

According to the data from this survey, made public at the close of the polling stations, the unknown regarding the difference in seats in the European Parliament between the PP and the socialists of the PSOE will remain until the last moment.

The survey gives 32.4% of the votes to the PP and 30.2% to the PSOE, and places the far-right Vox in third place, which with 10.4% of the votes would obtain between 6 and 7 MEPs.

The left-wing Sumar platform, with 6.3% of the votes, would achieve 3 or 4 seats in the European Parliament, and the left-wing Podemos party, With 4.4% of the votes, 2 or 3 representatives would be obtained.

Behind, with 4.3%, would be Ahora Repúblicas, which brings together the Catalan independence party ERC, the Basque EH Bildu and the Galician nationalist BNG, and which would get 2 or 3 MEPs.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by his wife Begoña Gómez. Photo EFE

Then there would be Se Acabó la Fiesta, the formation of the ultra and denialist Luis “Alvise” Pérez who would also obtain between 2 or 3 seats.

No liberals

The formation of the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemontthe pro-independence Junts, would obtain 1 with 2.1% of the votes and CEUS, which includes the Basque Nationalist Party and the Canary Coalition, would also have 1 MEP with 1.6% of the votes.

The liberal Ciudadanos would remain out of the European Parliamenttraining that 1% would get of the votes, an insufficient percentage to get at least one representative.

Participation in Spain two hours before the closing of schools was the highest in a vote to the European Parliament that did not coincide with local and regional elections, 38.35 percent.

Between last June 6 and this Sunday, more than 370 million Europeans were called to the polls to renew the 720 seats in the European Parliament, of which 61 correspond to Spain.

Polls point to an increase in ultra-conservative and far-right forces in the new Eurochamber.

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