Javier Milei goes to the G7 in Italy without Luis Caputo or Diana Mondino the day the Senate votes on the Bases law

The star of the event will be Pope Francisco, the first pontiff to participate in a meeting of the club of the richest nations in the world. He will be the keynote speaker in a session dedicated to the risks and opportunities posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

At the local level, negotiations for Law Bases will be in charge of Guillermo Francos who must secure a floor of 37 votes to achieve approval of the project.

The economic and financial turbulence resulting from the fall in the country’s bond and stock prices on Wall Street, in addition to an incipient rebound in the inflation scheduled for this month, led the Minister of Economy to get off the President’s tour.

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Milei will travel to Italy with a small entourageaccompanied by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, but without the Chancellor Diana Mondino who will be in Switzerland with Petri.

This afternoon, at 6:00 p.m., Victoria Villarruel will receive the block heads at the parliamentary work meeting to define the details of next Wednesday’s session.

In principle, a voting mechanism by chapters would be adopted, similar to that of Deputies, to prevent each article and subsection from being voted on separately within the framework of a session that will last more than 12 hours. Outside, in the square, there is a call a mobilization to reject the approval of the base law organized by the CGT, the CTA, social movements and the government of Axel Kicillof.

Bases Law in the Senate

La Libertad Avanza, with only 7 senators of its own, managed to sign a majority opinion with the dissent of its main allies. That’s why in the Pink House They are confident of achieving general approval of the project but there are doubts and negotiations still open regarding the vote in particular.

For example, the senator UCR for Tierra del Fuego, Pablo Blanco, signed the majority opinion but announced that he will vote against the article on delegated powers. It is also not defined that public companies will be left out of privatizations and even more changes could be introduced in the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI).

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Victoria Villarruel in the Senate.

Photo: Damián Dopacio – NA.

In the absence of Mileiwho would leave on Wednesday night, would prevent Victoria Villarruel presides over the session at the time of voting since he must be in charge of the Executive Branch in the absence of the President. However, from the Senate they clarified before the consultation of Ambit: “Victoria is going to start presiding over the session until the President leaves.”

Once Villarruel stops presiding over the session, his place will be taken by the provisional president of the Senate, Bartolomé Abdala. The legislator of saint Louis He will retain his vote as a senator in the chamber and may also break the tie if necessary in the vote in general or in particular.

Article 33 of the regulations of the Senate establishes that “The President does not discuss or give an opinion on the matter being deliberated. He only votes in the event of a tie. In cases where the Presidency of the body is exercised by a senator, it is up to him to vote on the issues submitted for resolution by the Chamber, exercising, in the event of a tie vote, the right to decide the same, in accordance to the provisions of article 213“.

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