What is Lucía Galán’s state of health like after the operation on her pancreas?

After the surgical intervention that the singer underwent Lucia Galanthe health center where she was operated on released the first medical report that she could access TN Show.

According to what was signed by the medical director of the Mater Dei Sanatorium Roberto Lupuy de Lôme, the artist of the duo Pimpernel “evolves favorably” after undergoing surgery.

Read also: Lucía Galán underwent surgery: “They found a premalignant cyst in my pancreas”

“We want to inform you that yesterday the lady was admitted Lucia Galan to undergo surgery. In the immediate postoperative period, the patient progressed favorably. “The family appreciates the expressions of affection and respect.”closes the text issued by the health center this Wednesday.

The first medical report from Lucía Galán, after the intervention to which she was subjected. (Photo: Mater Dei Sanatorium)

What happened to Lucía Galán

This week it became known that Lucia Galan He had to undergo scheduled surgery after the discovery of “a premalignant tumor”. She herself announced the news through her social networks to avoid speculation about her health.

“Dear friends, we want to tell you that today “Lucía is undergoing surgery in Buenos Aires”, they wrote in a post along with a video in which she gives details of the surgery. Then they added: “It is an operation programmed based on the almost miraculous discovery of a premalignant tumorwhich was circumstantially detected in his pancreas when other studies were being carried out.”

The singer recorded a video before the intervention, in which she gave details of what they found on her. “I wanted to personally give this message so that you can have the news first-hand. Last year, in Madrid, while I was having a CT scan due to a bronchial infection, they miraculously made a discovery: “They found a premalignant cyst on my pancreas.”he said.

Lucía Galán spoke about her state of health. (Photo: Instagram /duopimpinela)

Galán pointed out that since then he was closely monitored until the doctors finally came to the conclusion that he should undergo surgery. “They have to cut the tail of the pancreas, which is where the cyst is attached to the wallit is a mucinous cyst, as doctors call it, and this is to prevent pancreatic cancer”he explained.

“This was a miraculous find and, despite how difficult it is going to be to go through this, “I thank God that they detected it in time,” he reflected. In this regard, he noted: “I want to ask doctors to do these abdominal checks to perhaps prevent so many pancreatic cancers that when they feel bad or one is bad, it is already too late because it has metastasized throughout the body.”

Read also: Lucía Galán assured that there are ghosts in her house and uploaded a terrifying video: “It doesn’t bother them that I talk to them”

At the end of the video, he talked about his future. “Everyone, calm down, because starting in August we will be settled in Spain doing the tour accordingly, because it is the right time and I will be perfect again to shout at my brother,” she closed with humor.

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