Milei Bases Law: images of the strong protests against the reforms included in the Argentine president’s law

A person with his face covered looks at his phone while a car burns in protests in Buenos Aires.

Image source, EPA

Caption, Public furniture was damaged during the incidents.
Article information
  • Author, Drafting
  • Role, BBC News World
  • June 13, 2024, 00:55 GMT

    Updated June 13, 2024, 07:20 GMT

The debate in the Argentine Senate of the package of star reforms proposed by President Javier Milei included in the Bases Law was accompanied by strong protests and violent incidents in the streets of Buenos Aires.

The senators debated and approved this Wednesday by one vote the economic reforms proposed by Milei, which would reduce the weight of the State and favor private investment, while in the streets police and protesters clashed and moments of violence occurred.

Milei assures that to relaunch the economy the burden posed by the state sector must be reduced, but his rivals, parties, unions and left-wing organizations They believe that the president seeks to dismantle public services.

The legislative package, which won with the vote of Vice President Victoria Villarruel, must return to the Chamber of Deputies – which approved it in April – for approval, since the senators introduced some changes, but it is assumed that Congress will approve it. will become law.

The package includes spending adjustment measures and opens the door to the privatization of public companiessomething that the left-wing sectors opposed to Milei frontally reject.

A police officer shoots with an anti-riot weapon

Image source, EPA

Caption, Police and protesters clashed in the streets of Buenos Aires.
A man being arrested in Buenos Aires

Image source, Getty Images

Caption, There were arrests and injuries in the protests.

The Clashes around the legislative palace They left several detainees and thirty people injured, according to the newspaper Clarín, which also raised the number of detainees to thirty.

Smoke near Congress in Buenos Aires

Image source, Getty Images

A man shouts with his arm raised in a protest against the Milei reform

Image source, EPA

Caption, While the proposal was being debated in the Senate, Javier Milei’s detractors gathered in the streets.

The government harshly condemned the protesters and the President’s Office issued a statement congratulating the security forces for their response to what it called “Coup attempt”.

A man throws a bottle at protests in Buenos Aires.

Image source, EPA

Caption, The protest left several people injured and detained.
A man brandishes a stick in front of a group of riot police.

Image source, EPA

Caption, Members of the City Police and the Federal Police took part in the security operation.

In the incidents, protesters dissatisfied with the government threw bottles and other blunt objects at police officers, who responded with tear gas and pressurized water to try to disperse them.

The debate ended early in the morning.

A person with the Anonymous mask and a fire behind

Image source, Getty Images


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