“Laura Moreno’s car was black, as if the devil came to my house”

The Supreme Court of Justice admitted the appeal filed by lawyer Jaime Lombana, defense of the Colmenares family, against the decision of the Superior Court of Bogotá that acquitted Laura Moreno and Jessy Quintero on February 21, 2017, involved in the death of Luis Andrés Colmenares, due to reasonable doubt.

The Colmenares case was recorded on October 31, 2010, when young students from the Universidad de los Andes went out to party, in costume, in the Zona Rosa, in Bogotá, and Colmenares ended up dead. The case has not been clarified, it had a great media effect and even motivated a series.

On October 5, 2023, Oneida Escobar, mother of Luis Andrés Colmenares, spoke with ‘Vicky in WEEK‘. After remembering that the case became known to the public because of a dream she had, she spoke again about the feelings she had when she found out that Laura Moreno was dating her son. In her view, God was warning her that something was about to happen and she did not heed it.

“I felt in my heart something strange about her. I didn’t talk to her, but one of my moms is a gossip, at that time she was having surgery and, from the second floor, she could look at Laura. I don’t know, I felt something in my heart that told me that this was not the woman for Luis Andrés. I didn’t like her car. When she arrived in the car, I felt like something terrible. The car was black, as if the devil had come to my house. You feel it in your mother’s heart, I didn’t like Laura”said Colmenares’ mother, who published a book, on October 18, 2023 in Bogotá, titled My viacrucis.

See their statements here:

“I didn't like Laura Moreno”: Oneida Escobar, mother of Luis Andrés Colmenares | Vicky in Week

Within the framework of the presentation of a book, which gives an account of what she experienced with this tragedy and which became very popular among Colombians, with the then young Laura Moreno, Jessy Quintero and Carlos Cárdenas, mentioned in the process, Escobar mentioned how, apparently, he had divine signs that something was about to happen.

For example, he asserted, that his son dressed up as a devil, that his friend and suitor Laura Moreno arrived home in a black car. “God was warning me of my son’s death and I didn’t realize it,” she said.

“A mother doesn’t see a woman for her children. And I always saw their flaws: ‘I don’t like that one because she has big ears’, ‘I don’t like that one because she doesn’t have a tail’. And as I always told them, I prayed for the wife or girlfriend that Luis Andrés was going to have. He was still young, his life was just beginning and that was the reason why I always kept his girlfriends away from him,” he said.

Apart from his interview, in chapter 1 of the book My viacrucis, Oneida Escobar said that, one day, her son told her that he smelled death. Something she said shocked her back then. “These are things that one cannot explain. Jorge was driving, taking the car out, and he ―Luis Andrés― (stayed with me in (the) garage and told me: ‘mommy, it smells like flower of death.’ I cross myself because really, in La Guajira, you hear that when it is said that it smells like the flower of the dead, it is always a tragedy that is coming,” Escobar said.

The complete interview with Oneida Escobar:

13 years after the death of Luis Andrés Colmenares, his mother Oneida Escobar speaks | Vicky in Week

According to Escobar, after what his son said, he crossed himself, far from imagining that the saying so popular in La Guajira could be true. “And not only that. When I look towards my living room I see like a vision and that space full of white flowers and when Luis Andrés happens, the next day I am already in the house on the second floor and when I go down I see all the white flowers that I had seen in that vision. And it is something that one cannot explain. I say that’s what it feels like as a mom.“added Escobar in Vicky in Week.

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