Cuba and South Africa relations: at the level of the friends we are › World › Granma

Photo: Revolution Studies

PRETORIA, South Africa.- Relations between Cuba and South Africa “have reached a high level, a level of excellence, based on trust, which allows us to address different issues as the excellent friends that we are,” said the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and Vice President of the Republic, Salvador Valdés Mesa, to comrade Nomvula Mokonyane, Deputy Secretary General of the African National Congress (ANC).

In the context of his stay in South Africa, where he attended the inauguration of President Cyril Ramaphosa, Valdés Mesa exchanged this Thursday afternoon with Mokonyane and other members of the national executive committee and its Department of International Relations.

The Cuban Vice President conveyed an “affectionate greeting from the historical leadership and its continuity, of the Cuban Party and Government, to the leadership of the Party and the militants and affiliates of the ANC.”

He expressed our country’s gratitude to the permanent solidarity of South Africa, and to the “firm support of the ANC for the struggle waged by the Cuban people against the blockade in the current critical situation, a product of the intensification of that policy.”

He highlighted the favorable vote of the South African Republic and the interventions of its leaders in the United Nations General Assembly when the UN resolution is presented each year to put an end to this genocidal measure of the US Government; as well as the support it gives to the resolution that is systematically approved in the African Union against the blockade.

Valdés Mesa also explained to the Deputy Secretary General of the ANC that for Cuba today international solidarity is a task of capital importance to demand that we be excluded from the spurious list of countries sponsoring terrorism that the Government of the northern country unilaterally and arbitrarily issues.

This list, he explained, not only creates problems for us, but also for the nations with which we maintain relations, inhibits foreign investment, financing, credits… and leads to the US interest in suffocating us, that no resources enter the national territory.

Photo: Revolution Studies


A substantive meeting with the Cuban state mission in South Africa was held this Thursday morning by Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa, who informed his compatriots about Cuban current affairs and the implementation of the country’s different priorities for this year.

Also present were representatives of the collaborations that Cuba maintains here in education, health, public works (UNECA) and hydraulic resources, who shared about the performance and results of a collaboration between the Greater Antilles and the Republic of South Africa, which since 1996 It has allowed thousands of Cuban men and women to provide solidarity aid to their brother people.

Photo: Revolution Studies
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