“There is no more time for speeches, we need results”

“There is no more time for speeches, we need results”
“There is no more time for speeches, we need results”


“The context we are experiencing is a “momentum”, we are moving from a completely voluntary scenario to one where there are new regulations that require companies to have more strategic and transparent management”, outlined María Rigou, Executive Director of Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY, as the kickoff of the Sustainability Event: Chapter 8, organized by LA NACION.

In a one-on-one interview with José Del Rio, Secretary General of Editorial, Rigou (an expert on the subject with more than 20 years of experience in the field) highlighted that sustainability must be “in the business strategy, in the risk matrices.” This reality accounts for a transformation at the organizational level.

“We can no longer think only about economic development, but also about caring for the environment and social inclusion,” he said. The concept of sustainable development that was developed in the United Nations in 1987 speaks of meeting needs in the present, without putting new generations at risk. “Today we are already in that future, and If we do not act with great urgency, the consequences we are going to have are very serious.“Rigou warned.

In the list of milestones, the EY expert mentioned the Paris Agreement in 2015, when the sustainable development platform was launched from the United Nations. Today, she explained, although there is commitment from governments and companies to these initiatives, “the results in terms of environmental and social indicators are not seen”. Going deeper, he outlined: “We are talking about things that are very essential for life, like air or water, they are essential rights.”

María Rigou, Executive Director of Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EYChiara Malavolta

According to Rigou, the new regulations are pushing towards that scenario, “since there is no more time for rhetoric”.

“The concept of regenerative economy is very clear when applied to agriculture, it implies not only sustaining ecosystems, but also improving them, achieving more production, generating additional environmental and social value,” explained the expert and added that in Argentina there are many examples of practices that are They carry forward in the agricultural world that has to do with regeneration. “We can leave the earth in better conditions in terms of fertilization for new generations”he pointed out.

In terms of the new regulations, Rigou highlighted that the process is very accelerated and it is not an isolated event, but rather it is happening in different parts of the planet. “The first thing that appears is accountability, however, in the background is management,” he analyzed.

Rigou indicated in this regard that the regulation today asks companies “where are you going to generate positive impacts,” and completed that “There is a request for a more strategic view.”

“In a world that has to transition, the financial sector is key and must be fully aligned,” stated the EY expert. On a positive note, she said, it is a reality that is happening, since governments and international organizations are working in coordination “to include risks that have to do with climate and sustainability in their assessments.”

“We see companies that are covered by different regulations and the things they have to do are very important in a very short time,” Rigou analyzed regarding the reality in Argentina. However, small companies have a huge opportunity, in his opinion: “They can join the innovation, and enter the value chains of larger companies that require this, for example B Company certification.”

In closing, the specialist warned that although today we are suffering the consequences of climate change, future generations will suffer much more if very drastic measures are not taken in the way of producing and consuming. “It is no longer a question of the future, it is today”, he warned. “Above all, today is the time to start managing.”

If you want to see the full event click here

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